20-40% monthly scalping strategy

Hey guys!

I am Everest and i want to introduce to you my strategy. It is very recently made but heavily tested strategy with exact rules on when and how to enter and when and how to close. However i do not want to share every detail in this post, i have a discord channel which is free and will countinue to be free. But because i know this system is very powerfull even in the state that it is, i dont want it to be known wildly.

This is not an advertisement for a payed service, i just want to gather a group of people who i can teach my strategy which helps me perfect it. The best learning is teaching.

So the strategy is:
Only EURUSD with 1:3 trades in a 12 hour trading window/day
2 timeframes used which are the 15m and the 1m. 15m for direction, 1m for the entries with specific patterns which there are 3 types.

Here is a picture of the main patterns:

There are more detailed pictures, videos in the discord channel from backtesting sessions to live trade and live analysis sent beforehand.

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Ho @pekamakesmoney I don’t think 20-40% per month ROR is realistic for longer than 3 consecutive months, but I’d be delighted to be proven wrong. Are you going to post your trades and profit/loss tally?

I get it. Some new guy just comes to the forum and says the strategy he made can perform 20-40% monthly, which lets be honest too fking good to be true… or is it?

Uno when i made my own stuff after years of trying strategies my goal wasnt to be hitting high numbers, it just turned out to be like this. I do not say YOU or I can achive 20-40% every month(but i honestly feel we can), what i say is that the strategy can, and it can achive more.

I post my trades daily in my DC channel if you want to see it, and i do make videos of how i trade, and i do host weekend backtesting sessions also. I made multiple times 10-15% daily following the same principles.

I also wanted to share more pictures but i wasnt allowed…

Maybe i will consider putting my trades here aswell…

On paper this is do-able, assuming the win rate is only 60%, the risk per trade is only 1% of account capital, and there are only 20 trade opportunities per month. Even reducing the win rate to 40% is still going to be profitable enough to be worth trading.

But I’ve got to question the r:r being set as high as 1:3. I don’t have faith that there would be a 1:3 trade opportunity every day. So I have to think the % return is unrealistic.

I am sorry but there are 5-15 1:3 trade opportunity in a day, some days are closer to 5 and some exceeded 15. and there is no 20 trade/month restriction because thats 1 week…

Yes, there might well be so many trade opportunities printing on the main charts per day. How many signals per day can you take?

How many of these trades can you run simultaneously until they either make SL or TP? I would have thought many will run into profit but will not make their TP at the r:r of 1:3 before potentially dropping to the SL. How are you treating these?



The chart prints more than that in a day, i am talking about that 12 hour window which is in the rule that you can trade, and you do not have to trade that full 12 hour window to have 5-6 trades/day. If you only trade london and ny you still get these numbers… Like i said if you want to see more you can check the DC channel, everything is there and i am happy to hop on a call and show you everything.

Trades do not run simultaneously, there are some cases when you can take double entry but its maybe 2-3 times/week. We are talking about 16.5 pip trades. Thats not a big amount of move in EURUSD.

After 1:2rr the trades are brake even.

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This is also workable with the DAX, FTSE, DOW and NASDAQ indices.from London opening to NY close, which tradertom.com uses very profitably. But he also has losses, some very quickly.

The downside, IMO, is the eventual mental effort day in and day out managing these TFs successfully as it’s like driving a F1 car flat out on the M1. I would suggest two hours of trading per day as maximum.

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