200 MA Indicator

Hi everyone,

Can anyone suggest a good 200 MA indicator (I only need 200) for my charts?


I always like a yellow one.

I’m not quite sure what you’re asking. Do you want suggestions about whether to use “simple”, “weighted,” “exponential” and stuff like that?

I always use “exponential” which seems to me to be like a compromise between too fast and too slow.

Just don’t use “smoothed” expecting it to be similar: a “smoothed” 200 is like an exponential 400!

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No, I can’t find a MA indicator within TradingView that gives me only “200”.

Thanks again!

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I don’t quite understand: you should be able to set the lookback period to however many bars you want it to be, with any moving average? What exactly happens, when you try?

For example, I only need a 200 MA.

Based on my screenshot below, not sure which one is 200?


The 200 is the blue one.

It’s actually the only one showing on your chart, because you have the “plot” box for that one checked in the panel on the right, and the others (20, 50 and 100) unchecked.

You’ve selected an option that can show all 4 MAs, but you don’t need to. You can select any options or combinations you want, and as many or as few as you want, and any numbers you want.

See if this helps?

If you don’t like that one, there are plenty of others, if you put “TradingView tutorial” or similar search terms into the search function at YouTube.

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