2000 posts later - what have i learnt?

tymen1, i think you should take back what you said about forex factory. Pls don’t talk bad about forex factory. There are some good traders there sharing their knowledge like James16, jacko, clockwork and BRV. Go there take a look and spend some time reading the posts there. :slight_smile:

I am absolutely sure that what you say is very true.

I am sure the forum has many experts on it.

Nevertheless, I find that forum very boring. (no charts, no colour etc - just talk).
Just my personal opinion.

Nevertheless, I find that forum very boring. (no charts, no colour etc - just talk).
Just my personal opinion.[/QUOTE]

by the sounds of that it appears you have yet to venture beyond newbie forum babypips

Not so Herbie.

My university training taught me to do my own research.
And do it thoroughly.

I have done a lot of research into forex issues.
And I have done some exhaustive research into issues raised on forex factory.

But I will maintain…this is a nicer and much friendlier forum.
Besides, I live in Perth, Western Australia.
And I have found 12 other people from Perth who subscribe here.

[B]I feel at home here!![/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

It is the highest concentration of members from one place on any forum of this kind!!

We from Perth are a dangerous lot!! :smiley:

well you mustnt of been there for a while as there are more charts and colour there than here from experienced traders.

i am not saying one is bettter than the other, more so one chooses to expand ones knowledge as knowledge is gained…
btw i went to university too and graduated with bachelor of geomatics from melbourne uni (honours) but btw i dont think that counts

why do you have to belittle others endeavours at learning rather than encourage?

Now listen here!! :frowning:

I am not belittling anyone.
Just stating personal feelings about a forum.

[B]This is my thread Herbie.[/B]!! :mad: :mad:
Where I state what I have learnt after 2000 posts on this forum.

If you do not like it, why are you here?
Go post on another thread!! :mad:

is that how you talk to your ‘students’ if you dont get your way…have a tantrum is it?

is this how you speak to your ‘students’ if you dont get your way?
have a tantrum and tell them all to read there books and no more speaking?

i am yet to see what you have learnt after 2000 posts other than belittle people and stating the old 5% statistic and that fact that you’ve seen it all before - kind of stale.

As for your other thread you’ve been leading many a poor newbie on foolishly promising them a holy grail - when the truth be told tonymand and others had blown your little ‘game’ a week ago …a game that has been played before to i might add

This is my last reply to you Herbie.

I am too busy trading to bother with your constant whinging about my posts.
If you don’t like them just go!!

Go get a life!! :smiley:

Hi tymen1,

If you are free, look at james16 thread in forex factory, you can find all the charts you want there. Maybe forex factory is too big and there are alot of threads there, but if you know your way there, you won’t find it boring. :slight_smile:

Very quickly between a trade…

That is good news.

But we must be careful that we do not advertise the opposition on this forum too much.

I am almost expecting an email from the Administration warning and rebuking me for doing so!! :o :o :o

I believed I won’t get banned over this as my conduct has always been good. Just sharing what I had learned from all the forex forums and what is good and bad. :slight_smile:

All the best!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hello Tymen,

Just browsing on my first visit back to babypips for a long time. Is always a pleasure to read your threads.

From my side, I have been trading for about 18 months now and I can not prove to be profitable in the long run at the moment. However, I have now discovered in the last 5 months that I am no longer losing money so that has got to be a good sign. I have spent a lot of money on various books and am a great fan of Williams, Carter, ELder, Nisson and Wilder amongst others. Although I dont trade any of the methods outlined in any books or on this forum to the letter, I find they all give me ideas and material to work on and develop my own methods. This is what I am doing now. As I also have a regular job that requires frequent overseas trips to remote locations I find I cant get a good, undisturbed run at trading which I feel could also be hindering my progress.

Regarding the threads and the forums, the reason I stopped coming here on a daily basis is that I found I would end up getting distracted and would go off on a tangent reading various threads and posts etc instead of concentrating on my own trades and setups. As I’m doing now in fact:D.

But anyways, I am in no position to offer anyone any advice but all I would say is that hard work and dedication is required to succeed at most things in life and I dont see how FX trading should be any different.

I’m keeping at it and I’m still here so I dont know where I am in the Pie Chart.

All the best

That is excellent.
Breaking even consistantly is the first solid step towards more consistant profits.

I have spent a lot of money on various books

Yep. I have done that too.
In the end I collected together the books I really valued and then sold all the rest for a very tidy profit!! :smiley:

As I also have a regular job that requires frequent overseas trips to remote locations I find I cant get a good, undisturbed run at trading which I feel could also be hindering my progress.

Yes, that would be definitely true.
Like any skilled practice, you need to be at it constantly to stay proficient.
Still, the job you have sounds good.
If the money is good, and you like the job, then you may consider trading forex as irrelevant to your life.
It could just be something that gets in the way of bigger plans that you have.

I would say is that hard work and dedication is required to succeed at most things in life and I dont see how FX trading should be any different.

Absolutely correct!! :slight_smile:

All the best now!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Reminds me of a redneck, gun nut forum I stumbled on a few years back. Everybody had the same mindset. If even one person dared to arrive and politely question thier views they were set upon and hounded out of the forum.

Personally I can take it on the chin… call me speculator or a gambler, i’ve been called worse. And quite frankly, it is a dam silly way to make a living!:D:D:D

I certainly hope that is not the case here. :o

In trading we all have our different views.
That how we all get our different trades.

Some will trade a price long, while others will see the same price action and trade it short!! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Just wanted to say� Congrats tymen1 !!! happy 2000�.and go for 2000 more!!!


Great pie chart, like the 1% millionaires and the 4% making a living. But me thinks if the 4% compounded up their accounts instead of living off it, there would be 5% millionaires!

Didn’t expect to find ‘pray for the less fortunate, knowing a great creator is in control’ on Babypips though? Dont mind receiving your perceaved wisdom on forex but not on the finer points of metaphysics. Tell me, is it simply an accident of birth that allows millions of children to die because of poor water in the third world or because the great creator is controlling this too? Either way, hes a compassionate chap isnt he. Not mocking you TYMEN infact most of my life i’ve been a Humanist. Much the same as you I expect, except without the God part :slight_smile:

Keep the posts coming TYMEN always a pleasure to read.