2023 Market Forecast by Solidecn.com

You don’t sound very sure? (Nor very convincing.)

His Facebook page describes him as the CEO of SolidECN.

Why do you think that’s happened?

And right here he says “I am Zane Zimmerman, the director, and CEO of Solid ECN Securities, and I am happy to address your concern.”

He’s certainly claiming to be the CEO, there, isn’t he?

These are all public representations about your company, made by its staff. But you’re now saying they’re not true?

What’s happened, there?!

I am not a troll.

Just a forum member wondering why so much of what you say here about your business seems so quickly and easily to turn out to be either misleading or plain untrue.

I see that people in other forums where you post are also increasingly concerned about you.

You’re obviously posting here, and in other forums, about both your broker companies, to try to promote them.

Questions, in those circumstances, are obviously legitimate, aren’t they?

You want people to deposit their funds with you, so it’s natural for people to wonder whether how you’re responding to basic-level questions about your business is open and accurate.

It does appear not to be, doesn’t it?

Members of various forums will of course decide such things for themselves, but it seems to me that resorting to calling people “trolls” - a purely personal attack - may not be the best way for you to deal with perfectly legitimate and reasonable questions which arise naturally in response to the public claims you’ve made?