24 options and their signals


I am currently with 24 options and I am using their signals to trade.

Now their signals are provided by Faunus asset management.

The person in charge of my account states to me that the program they use has been developped by 24options and has cost a lot.

The strategy is to enter in a signal of 1 hour and make trades of 30 minutes. If the trade is lost you follow that same signal for 30 minutes and you continue like this until it wins and they said that you won’t pass the 7 levels.

Now does anybody know if Faunus belongs to 24 options? Is it true what they say. Because I have subscribed to Faunus and I receive the same signals than 24 options for 5 eur a day.

So what 24options is it true?

many thanks in advance for your kind assistance.

Kind regards

When you trade you should only believe in your own signals. In such way you have got nobody to blame and nobody can influence your decision

Agreed with DeepFlow, you have to focus on trading at your own and not to depend on others. As far as signals are concerned, many brokers provides these services as a complimentary, don’t know why you are being charged. Maybe 24Option has outsourced or partnered their signal services with faunus asset management or so.

You are absolutely right, it is better to operate on your own