$3.41 to $1,000 dollars scalping

No I’m very profitable I only wanted to risk ten bucks but now risking 200

why don’t you share image?


I’m not a scalper. Scalping requires constant monitoring of the markets and quick decision-making. It demands significant time and attention, making it difficult for traders who cannot dedicate considerable hours to trading or have other commitments.


Bitcoin buy tp 30156.74

so that account started with $10 and drop down to $3.41 and you grew it up to $200, Is that correct?

No I added 190
Ok sell gbp jpy tp 180.656 147.6 pips %110.80

Buy eur gbp tp 0.86826 23.6 pips 32.26%

EUR gbp didn’t come up but gbp jpy came down enough that together was 59 dollars in profit
Closed both positions for profit

NZD chf buy tp 0.54291 50.2 pips 43.16%
EUR gbp sell tp 0.86112 31.6 pips 30.21%

Closed nzd chf and eur gbp in profit
Balance $256.27

Now selling

Gbp jpy sell
NZD jpy sell

Reversed my positions changed nzd jpy and gbp jpy to buy

Took out gbp jpy here are my positions

GBP Aud sell
EUR gbp sell
NZD jpy buy
GBP usd buy

Closed in profit

Now bought gold

What account are you using? Are you trading crypto, fx, and commodities all in one account?

Yes I can trade crypto commodity or currency on my platform

Closed in profit with gold buy

Balance 372.36

Now buying
Aud nzd
And gbp cad

Which platform is it?

Ctrader pepperstone

Closed Aud nzd and gbp cad in profit

Balance 477.22

On a roll

Now buying
Aud usd
And gbp usd

Very interesting read, have you considered getting somebody to try automate what you are doing if that is indeed a possibility?
Good luck and keep it going. :+1:

Thanks fatcat
Yes I use special software I got designed as well as manual aspects to it it’s very accurate

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