3 Little Pigs Trading System

Hi Kneesup, the results include all potential trades since it depends on where you are situated as to which trades occur whilst you sleep. The spreadsheet can be sorted to omit a group of results; maybe those occurring whilst you sleep and the profitability calculated. As mentioned before spread and roll over costs are ignored because estimating them involves too many unknown variables.

Hope this helps

Sure, thank you. So is April going to finally be your first losing month?

Just dying to know - 1st losing month or another profitable one ?

Any news four_candles ?

Hi Knessup, Sorry for the delay in replying I have had several demands on my time recently and have not had the time to devote to keeping up to date as much as I would like, an updated spreadsheet is attached and April did come out in positive territory, just, although it certainly did not look like it earlier in the month. Out of interest I have added a notional account balance based upon a 2% risk per trade. Since January 1st, the account would be up 22% at the end of April. Considering the market has been pretty much sideways this seems a good performance. A strategy to exploit those runs which do occur would be very welcome, any ideas?

All the best

3LP Fixed Target 201404.zip (50.2 KB)

I’ve just checked the forexuseful.com, really like it, I have already tested 3 duck’s, I’m testing 3 little pig, and the website helps a lot.

Hi harmonic, I’m still learning this system, how do you know exactly when to enter or exit your position?

Thank you and no problem understood, maybe you could take half profits at your fixed target then trail somehow, perhaps by the size of the original fixed stop?

I think harmonic enters on close of the candle with a valid signal and has an open target waiting for the trailing stop to be taken out, EURGBP was a nice trade this week, USDJPY was the only other trade but it just trigered so I did not take it, hope that helps a little, good w/e.

Hi All

Update attached for fixed target approach to date.

All the best
3LP Fixed Target.pdf (203 KB)

Update attached for fixed target approach attached, May was a quiet month but finished 40.5 pips up.

All the best

201405.zip (255 KB)

Just checked the charts and found a usd/jpy nuy on 29 which stopped out and produced the first losing month -9.5 pips. Updated spreadsheet attached

201405 (2).zip (255 KB)

Anyone can share Trading Statement/Myfxbook ?

I was really impressed because how did you gather all these information.

1st losing month !

Disaster !

Percentage wise though it’s what -1% ?

What’s the average per month including this -1% month and also did you consider linking your account to myfxbook, that would be great as others could follow the trades you take.

Just joined in the 3 Pigs Live in the markets “google hangout”, my first one, quite enjoyable, anywhere here’s the analysis of the pairs for anyone interested - Assume a youtube video link is allowed :slight_smile:

four_candles, how’s the month of june for you, do you have long term %'s for this rather than pips?

June so far is up 193.7 pips which is a nominal 46% since Jan 1st 2014 which I make 6.5% per month. I’m not familiar with myfaxbook mentioned in a previous post but will have a look at it.

We will see what Monday brings to complete the results for June.

All the best

Four Candles, I am sorry if this question has been asked before, but are those charts you post actual trading history or are they back-tests?

Also, live or demo?

i like this little pig system name