3 Members from Perth now 12 Members from Perth, Western Australia

Our mighty little group from the most isolated city in the World just continues to grow!!

We are indeed a powerful lot.

We will soon control the whole forum!! :smiley:


Tonymand…Nedlands (south/central)
Mr Average…Joondalup (north)
Fallen Angel…Canning Vale (south)
Hulko…Claremont (west)
Forex Chartist…Nearby.
Tymen1…Highgate (central)
Bit 827…???
Angie B…Kalamunda (east)
Damo989…Rolystone (east)
NarozFX…North Perth
Sebsez…Scarborough (west by the sea)

and now…
[B]Kheaver[/B]…Boya (east in the Darling ranges)

Justlearning will be added when returning to Perth from South Korea.

We have more forex traders on this forum from Perth than anywhere else in the world!!

Perth rules!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:slight_smile: thanks for adding me Tymen…even if I am over-seas

Over here in the UK, thay’ve just shown the last round on TV, which I managed to miss:mad: Did anyone go see it live? Was it exciting or as boring as most F1 races?



I live very close to the Perth riverfront and could see and hear the planes practising every day until the event.
[U]Very noisy.[/U]

I was there on the riverfront foreshore on the Sunday watching it.
Yes, very exciting indeed - most of Perth was there watching!!

The planes took off on the fields right in front of the hotels and multi-story units.
The planes were very noisy and performed crazy antics in going around the boat sails.

A big moment came at the end when a single FA 18 Hornet screamed in upside down.
It was so loud that you could feel the noise in your chest.

It flew low over every one then shot up so high that it became invisible.

Yes, well worth watching.
On the Saturday, a tour of the pitts was possible.

The Perth super clear sky, wide river, warm weather, a soft sea breaze and lots of room make Perth an ideal place for this event.

A guy called Bonhomme was the winner.

Thanks for the update Tymen, television sure has a long way to go before it beats the real thing!


Hello everyone, I am Kyne from Canning Vale, Perth.