3 Members from Perth, Western Australia

I hope you Perth people are still around. =)

Anyways, are any of you using Skype by any chance? I usually trade during the EUR/US trading hours, and it gets pretty dull and boring waiting for the right entry signals. So I was hoping for some people to talk to and discuss various stuff during the trading hours.

And what better way than to start with people who live in the same remote state as you. =)

Yep, we sure are around.

We now have 5 members from Perth. Hutko from Claremont is now added.

I have tried to change the title of this thread but it does not appear to work - hence still 3 members. Others may change it for me if you know how.

I do not know the first thing about skyping - the best I can do at present is direct emails.

All the best to us five.

Hi Perth mates,

I am always around still watching and learnig. By the way next week I will go and visit ataa meeting in Perth so if anyone interested feel free to join me.

I am interested in this AATA meeting. If you are going Hutko, I would like to meet you and Tonymand. But what day is it and what time is it?

And where in the uni is it?

I can give a telephone no on next post if you wish.

Hi tymen1, count me in. hopefully :rolleyes:, one day I’ll overcome my shyness to have some off-line chat with you guyz. By the way, timen1, it’s interesting to know that we both live nearby, have a similar trading style…:slight_smile:

Great to hear from you Forex Chartist :

Can you post again and let us know what suburb you are in?

We are now up to 6 people from Perth. When it becomes the Magnificent 7, I will start the thread again with an updated title.

Great to know that we have a similar trading style. We are indeed, as Tonymand said, in the best timezone in the world.

Perth, pretty close to your suburb “Highgate”…:wink: by the way, nice to meet you all…:slight_smile:

Not had my notification yet, who is talking and on what subject?

I think it is on thursday next week in a Currie hall starts at 5:45. Main topic is how NOT to day trade.

Sounds interesting. I will probably be there

Yep! Sounds good, I should go.

I will see you there! …(now where is Currie hall???)

Wow! I’m living in Perth right now but studying engineering at uni. Been demoing/reading horror stories about forex for about a year now . Just went live last week to give it a proper shot. Good to know there are people trading fx in perth let alone a community of traders. I hope to catch up with you all sometime!

[B]Edit: Living in Willetton (SOTR) [/B]

Welcome to the group bit827. You are now the 7th person in Perth who is subscribing to this forum.

[B]We now have the magnificent 7. I believe that the 7 of us makes us the biggest concentration of traders in one spot on this forum anywhere on the planet.[/B]

the traders are :

Tonymand…from Nedlands.
Mr Average…from Joondalup.
Fallen Angel…from Canning Vale.
Hulko…from Claremont.
Forex Chartist…nearby north Perth.
Tymen…Highgate. (central Perth)
and now
Bit827…from ???

[B]Can you tell us where you live? I would like to add it to the record.[/B]