30 Pips A day Keeps the your money at bay

Well guys like i said i am one of the oldest people here, i am over 70 and still can work out over two hrs and included i do 5 miles on the track. I don not do heavy lifting anymore, my routine is manly to main and slow down aging.

My free advice for maximum health benefits to old people

sounds such …


  • 3 times a week there 2 times is interval training 4x 4 min 3 min break between each run …

Mobility exercises pilatus, yoga daily … (important)

Weight training 3 -4 times a week

A little secret, the muscle to a 20 year old vs. a 70 year old is almost identical
The big difference is nerve signals in muscles that decrease with age.
Best way to maintain nerve signals is to train heavily with 5 rep as optimal according to
science …

Strength and muscle is where you lose at least in Life. Fitness however is a perishable commodity and falls dramatically with age

But to drive heavy you need mobility or damages you self …

Great advice torulf39 , i will up date my routines thank you.

Hi Tony

I thought you were much younger. I remember a post about Brazilian ladies :slight_smile:

But I am shamed about my bat condition right now. Have to do something about it! Las time I saw the gym was in 2011

I’m taking note of this :slight_smile: ty

TC Holland attitude of life is key ingredient to one self. I believe in quality of life, your best health insurance is your health . Don’t give up on your body !!! we only get one , treat it with respect and love it , in turn it will respond back to you.

Hi TMoneyBags,

Thank you for starting this thread and sharing your valuable experience with us. Can you please tell me whats wrong with the above graph?. It didn’t reach to the convergence point. :frowning: Is that one of the 30% of the patterns that do not work or did I do something wrong? Anyway I am trying on a demo account. Still practicing so I can increase my confidence in these patterns.

Does the USDCAD m30 have a bullish Gartley 222? depend on different C points I can see that there can be two possible Gartley patterns. Any thoughts?

Lol… it worked… :smiley:

Very nice guys

Am I correct if I say D is at 138.2?

Great analysis from all of you. Interesting ideas to put into practice.

Thanks for pushing this thread back on my radar!

Hello guys, Newbie here, just learnt about the gartley in school of pipsology and i noticed that the Fibonacci ratios described in this thread varies from what is taught in the school of pipsology. as this is such a wonderful pattern i intend to master , i will be very grateful for a mentor or someone to guide me make sense of all the data im processing at the moment and find a definite trend. Thanks

Read through the first 2 years of this thread and you should get a grasp of it…


The forex market is very volatile sometimes is slow others is fast it is very difficult to make 30 pips every single day but good luck on your goal.

TMoneyBags do you mean CD must be at least 100% retracement of [B]AB[/B] or [B]AD[/B]?I am asking this because in the image, if we are looking for a D point, then how do we make sure that CD is 100% retracement of AD?? [B]WHEN WE ARE YET TO FIND D[/B]

i beg to differ on that

I think that if you look at the monthly bases and work tour an average of 30 pips a day over all , is something to look at. However as Lavourah pointed out to do this every day is a task indeed.