45 Ways to Avoid Losing Money Trading FOREX

I thoroughly with DRFX, I found that trading less equals to making more. Meaning, I am less emotionally and psychologically involved in the small ticks of a 5 minute chart and can focus on the hourly, 2 hourly, etc chart while maintaining a clearer image of what is going on. I found it to be a great lesson.

Nice piece of advice. Will truelly print and pin on my desk

haha I was thinking the exact same thing while reading this!!!

Brilliant advice. The basics none of us can afford to ignore.

The Greatest list I’ve ever seen for Forex Traders. I found a lot of those point wher I’ve got to improve myself.
Thanks for doing it. I appreciate it !!

Practice - Good broker for new starters (one with an account manager) - good risk management

The things that significantly improved my success as a Forex trader were getting a broker with tighter spreads (I scalp trade primarily), I had to sacrifice things such as complex charting tools and news streams via the broker but all of this stuff is out there to run alongside your trading platform if you look around. Paying serious attention to fundamental news releases and how each one effects your currency pairs. Dealing with the psychology of trading, this has been the hardest thing and I don’t think there is a one answer fits all on how you do this, I’m still a long way off where I need to be but I am happy to say I don’t get excited when I make big money and I don’t get depressed when I have to cut big losses.

Practice is indeed a good way for a beginner to limit the amount of loss he would have faced in this trade. Practicing is a great way to which we can trade forex perfectly and learn to come up with a better strategy to trade this market. It’s good we practice good if we must make it and become a successful trader.

Limit the amount of loss is wise thinking than searcing the tricks to avoid the loss where its impossible as we know that the risk of loss is part the trading result behind of earning . So always think if good businessman is not how much are earning in few times but those man who have ways to safe their investment for long

  1. Avoid 2-day UK Forex Masters Seminars in London - Run by Jimmy Young and Darren Winters’ Wealth Training Company, these 2-day seminars reduced in price from £4995 to £197 + vat promise the following;

[I]“Chief FX Trader from major bank breaks rank to reveal how ANYONE could pick up an easy £550-£1,200 a week from the Forex markets.”

“If you can meet me on one of these courses, I’ll blow the whistle on the fatal mistake that sinks most private traders who go near the Forex markets…and show you how you could make hefty returns for every 10 minutes you spend in the FX markets - virtually guaranteed!”

“This ISN’T an invitation to some high-cost seminar or a ruse to lure you into a room of salesmen desperate for your money.”.[/I]… WRONG!!.. That’s EXACTLY what it is!

Jimmy Young and a team of very slick sales people use this seminar to attempt to try and sell you one of his much more expensive Forex Webinar Courses and Forex systems that don’t work.

Avoid!.. and save your hard earned money by studying BabyPips school instead.

Again, thanks for the info.

Its good info , but as reality this useful and we can do it easily but from my experience ts will be harder when our psychological not ready with the risk of loss happening and tend to do for emotion at every moment which not expected , so we will not avoid loss instead get loss more and more

  1. One good trade will not make you a trading success; rather it’s monthly and annual performance that defines a good trader.
  2. Not Focusing on the Trade at Hand – There is no room for fantasizing in successful trading. Counting up and mentally spending profits you haven’t made yet is mental masturbation and does you no good. Same with worrying about a loss that hasn’t happened yet. Focus on your position and have a reasonable stop loss in place at the time you do the trade. Then be like an astronaut – sit back and enjoy the ride; no sense worrying because you have no real control; the market will do what it wants to do.

Beautiful piece.

Totally agree with this statement!

The forex community is always concerned about the rise of forex trading scams in the last few years and it is crucial to check the regulations of the broker and the legitimacy of their license. It is also wise to check that the forex broker has a good reputation online, is active on social media, and has good reviews.