$600+ million hack of Poly Network

Details on the hack. The wallet addresses where the stolen funds are being stored are know, and there’s an effort to blacklist them, I believe in an attempt to keep the funds from moving elsewhere or off network.

Technical explanation of how the hack took place, along with the cryptic messages left by hacker and potential accomplice:


Hack affects Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon blockchains.

And almost half has been… returned? Strange!

The hacker has returned almost the full amount! I can’t be sure if this is because the forensic team working on the hack was getting close to identifying the hacker, or if it was purely a case of the hacker trying to raise awareness of the lack of security on the Poly Network.

And on top of everything else he claimed he did it “for fun”. I just don’t understand some people, to be honest.

Inan even more bizarre twist, Poly Network is offering the hacker a job as their chief security advisor and a $500k bounty if returns the remaining funds. Not a bad deal for Poly Network, considering $200 million is still outstanding.

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Well…all is well when it ends well? I guess? :joy:

All the funds have now been returned. The hacker, Mr. White Hat, claims it wasn’t his intention to keep the money at all.

My actions, which may be considered weird, are my efforts to contribute to the security of the Poly project in my personal style. The consensus was reached in a painful and obscure way, but it works.

Nothing on whether the hacker to the advisory job offered to him by Poly Network.

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That really is unusual for this industry, haha.