$650 starting balance to $40,000 per month

I’m with you 1000%. A post like this is what send’s so many new and/or inexperienced traders to the trader grave yard, when in actuality everyone should be thanking OP for his post. I hope the traders who are struggling after they read the op, take the time to understand what he said.

Here’s why; break his post down into 2 parts. 1. Sizzle 2. Steak.

  1. Sizzle: The format he used through out his post
  2. Steak. All you need is: a plan and work your plan be patient. Anybody who’s have success trading want to argue with: Have a trading method, based on your situation that is designed to give you more positive trades than negative? Apply a money management that’s suited to your trading method and work your plan using patience and discipline.

Rather than concentrating on and trying to see if his sizzle makes sense (which here’s a tip, doesn’t mean sheet) concentrate on finding out if the steak that’s surrounding by sizzle makes sense. Even if he gave you his fx account. every detail he uses along with every note he ever made, step by step explanation of his complete plan, it doesn’t mean if you use it, you will have the same success or failure. Concentrate on using what does make sense of his to use, Method, Money Management, Patience and Discipline. Personalize it based on your experiences, situation and goals. then don’t stray work your plan.

Of course as always that’s just my opinion and what I took from his post. Op once again thanks for the post

I don’t need to believe him, but I can believe him.

Simple strategy- breakout
Simple mindset- let winners run (as some valuable members have pointed out can statistically create positive expectancy)

And on a pair, GBPJPY, that has had some long runs.

The only part that bothers me in the story is his rage issues, you dont go punching people out just cause u feel like it. Hope you have your emotional issues in check for the sake of your daughter cause you hit the wrong person and u could be in jail. Especially cause she seems to be a catalyst in you making it and youre providing a life undoubtedly anyone wants to give their children.

Dont know whether your story is true

But your giving a positive message to everybody, that money can be made.

With doubling the lot sizes every interval, the feat. of yours is achievable, with a correct mindset

I wish you and your daughter for happy life. :slight_smile:

I am not sure…I am really torn by these if the OP story is true or not but then again why did he write this? He is not selling anything or maybe scamming. So, let him be…

Thanks for sharing your side of story that it can happen…

Nah… he’s not for real, been ‘trading’ less than a year, had some success on a trade in Nov on Fibre …

Sure money can be made, like he says he’s in the 5% (also something of a myth) but it’s good entertainment.

Edit: he was short fibre on Nov 6th, checked out Nov 7th - was a good trade … there you go… like he says - makes his own luck.

Pip, know the way that I am always on about the old traders, how they called trading an art - and that is exactly what it is.

Anyone with the op’s stories may have an angle, ego, play-acting, God only knows their motives.

Then there are others, who actually know trading, many of them are silent, some of them will sell their knowledge - and then we have the very few - you can find some of them on this site.

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Yep… that is true however for this instance…he is just telling his story nothing more.

The reader can take it or leave it…

Nope, sad to say, there is more Pip, look again, yeah, I know I have all these ultra fast fibre optics etc, etc - so I can see a footprint, there is more to this person - forget him, look more closely to the words that I use.

Lol… I am looking! Wait, where do I have to look again? You make me laugh…thanks.

Well, he gives me hope.
Until someone else comes around and can give me a DETAILED success story, this will stick with me. Cause I don’t plan on becoming a loser like the so called 95% of us are! Where are the successful ones? I don’t even care if it’s true or not, but I do know that this is where I am heading.
And this has given me ideas also. I had that idea about the pip money management method before. I think it’s called the “fixed ratio money management model”. He calls them rounds, I was calling them levels.
Let’s talk about this in this thread. Cause that is some details that are plausible. It’s simple, as he stated. $1 a pip, make 400 pips ($400), then bump it up to the next level, $2 a pip. Make 400 pips ($800). Etc… And if you pace yourself, each and every month, why wouldn’t it work?
Bottom line is, if you can make 400 pips, every single month, and the only difference is the position size change every level, …then why wouldn’t it work???
Someone out there tell me why wouldn’t it work?!!!
Let’s talk about this. Because this is how he did it and it seems so possible to me. All we have to do is break it down. That’s 100 pips a week. So…unless I’m dead wrong, whoever has a strategy that can rake in, consistently, 100 pips a week should be able to do it. Or, within a month’s time, if you collect 400 pips, wait till next month, start over again (but with the higher position size) and do it again. Month after month. Unless I’m wrong, it sure does look like a snow balls effect, cause the risk gets lesser and lesser the higher you go up.
Everyone talks about making it simple. For as simple minded as I am, I can understand this. It’s as simple as being consistent with 400 pips a month. Month after month.
I do want to say that my plan back some time ago was 200 pips a month. 50 pips a week. That would work out to 61k in 2 full years. I brought out my plan, sitting in front of me now. $1000 starting out with, month 1 betting 1 mini lot, make 200 pips. If I make 200 pips, then stop, wait till next month. Start over with 2 mini lots of position size. Make 200 pips. If make it, stop trading, wait till next month. Start over with 3 mini lots. Etc…etc…etc…After one year of being successful will be at
$16,600. And after 2 years will be at $61,000. It is true. Numbers don’t lie.
But, the reason I ditched that was I didn’t want to wait. Why wait if I made 200 pips in a week, for the next 3 weeks before I could trade. Well, now I know why. IT’S BECAUSE YOU CAN LOSE IT ALL AND MORE! Plus I realize now that that will give me more time to make smarter trades.

Someone talk to me.

I must admit that it’s a “happy go lucky feel good story”, but I can’t buy it. It’s a nice narrative, but in the end there is not much content at all. Also, I think it’s a not the appropriate story for Newbies, as it is a get rich quick story.

These forums are full of people winding others up for a laugh (how that’s entertaining is beyond me). I’ve read people say that he gives hope, but I disagree… If it’s a false story, it’s false hope.

If the OP wants to help, then he should share the trading system that exponentially grew his account… Otherwise, this is all just a lot of fluff.

Talking about the money management strat would be interesting, but scummy does not seem up for it.

Dam. Not again please.

God. Why are there so many gullible sheeples?

If you explain to me that means maybe I would feel offended.

What? I don’t even…???

Then in this thread here;

301 Moved Permanently

Dream on dream on…

seems like Aaron is back,
So you got a working strategy and good results…why brag about it on BP?
What compels you to do that?
One more thing: You are contradicting ya self:

You claim to have started with $650. Right?

Then wtf is this

Turn $650 to $40,000 is impossible…
It’s unbelievable and no prove there.

Today GBP/JPY ranged around 400 pips
From 173 last week closing price to 168.XX

Then why can’t this be possible ???

You know I’m not a sheeple, and I absolutely do not believe this story (btw guy claims God before all else >brb his name is SCUMMY[I][/I][B]666[/B]. >jus sayin). HOWEVER, if you can’t start with *[U]Random Small Sum[/U] and turn it into [U]*100000 Times that[/U], like if that is COMPLETELY impossible like everyone claims when they DESTROY some random troll as they so often do, then why does anyone trade at all?

Again, not a sheeple, but if NO ONE makes it and NO ONE makes REAL money, why does this forum/site even exsist to begin with?

^^Actual questions. NoTroll.jpeg