$650 starting balance to $40,000 per month

I’m so tired of reading can it be done. Prove to me, some random person that it can be done. And that you need thousands if not apparently millions to make great money trading… Mark my words interested people in wondering if it can be done… it can! Read on!

I started trading at the young age of 24 years old. I hate working for other people. I’ve had easily 40 different jobs since I was 15 years old and went to numerous colleges and trade schools (not trading schools lol) college was boring and I was ONLY interested in women. Trade school just reminded me of the military (11Bravo BABY!! 3rd-Infantry Division Fort Benning, Georgia HOOAH!!!) and learning to become a diesel mechanic with the “claims” of making $100k a year right out of school motivated me. Well after getting a job with Cummins I got fired a messily 3 weeks into my so called perfect career. Let’s just say that’s been my life story. I either have someone fire me because I’ve knocked out a employee or boss (kinda have some rage issues) or not showing up or just quitting. My entire life someone else has had control over my cash flow and with two words it’s taken away from me yet again… YOUR FIRED!

I got turned on to trading from watching Amy Sangsters fine a** buying a Lamborghini at my age, which pissed me off because… well… I WANT ONE!!! (I’m an only child also lol) I did some research about her and her story and mmmmm I could listen to her talk all day long… That sexy Australian accent mmmmmmmm… Sorry lol. Well she has this company for trading and teaching you blah blah but psssshhhhhh I hardly have $5 to my name much less almost $700 for a membership to her company. We exchanged a few emails and again mmmmmm lol but I never bought into her company, why should I make her more rich I thought. Then I stumbled upon babypips.com they have a F R E E “school” I thought ummmmm yes please that’s in my price range. Being super interested in making my “millions” it took me merely a few hours in a single day to complete the school and when I was done I was so confused about what I had just read but applied the fundamental and technical information they taught me on my demo account. In 3 months of trading my demo account I felt that this trading thing is simple I got this in the bag…

Bring on the REAL thing!!! I opened a live account with $300 and with no actual strategy just blind trading, blew maybe $100 of my account first week. So I added another $200 then lost another $100… This isn’t the millions I was expecting. Added my FINAL $150 to my name and I mean that was it I was flat broke and I have a daughter to support. So in total my investment in trading is $650 that is it I have not added another cent to my account since then. After that first month I was desperate to make money and kept reading that you need to find a strategy and stick with it. So that next month I was looking for my “holy grail” (of course we all do duuuuh) tried this one made some good gains then over leveraged and wiped those gains out but didn’t lose much less than my account balance I repeated that maybe 2-3 different strategies for the second month. Now I need to clarify something here, when I opened my live account I quit my $9 an hour 40 hour a week lube tech job almost 50 miles from one of the houses I grew up in that my aunt (she’s only 9 years older than me so she’s like my sister) lives so when I was working during the week days I slept on a couch at a friends apartment and we worked together so I caught a ride with him everyday. Became waaaaay to much of a hassle and the cons very much out weighed the pros so I quit and remained living with my aunt at her Dad (my Granddads) house. It was only her and I and we didn’t have to pay rent. Lucky for me she paid for groceries and the electricity and the satellite tv and the water basically she paid all the bills I only paid for my own personal internet a mere $60 a month. Keep that in mind! My monthly bills were ONLY $60 a month!!!

Well that third month of live trading changed my life FOREVER!!! I found my own personal “holy grail” strategy. It’s a breakout strategy and I ONLY ONLY ONE MORE TIME ONLY STILL TO TODAY ONLY… trade GBP/JPY!!! That’s it one pair. Here’s the plan I wrote down and followed it to a T!!! I decided that I am only willing to lose 50 pips on any single trade, that’s it that’s my stop 50 pips. I decided this when I set a record for myself by losing 107 pips costing me $160 remember I only had $650 in my account so yea I was leveraging the entire house on my trades. I like money and I want lots of it and NOOOOOW (only child remember). So that’s my risk 50 pips. And I have read and learned the hard way to let your profits run. I use to set a trailing stop but I kept getting stopped out (profitable) but the trade shot up another 100-300 pips at times and that pissed me off so I quit using the trailing stops now when I’m up 50 pips I just bring my stop up to my entry or about 10 pips up to cover my spread. So out of 10 trades I was losing maybe 1 or 2. And they were never consistent it was always winning like 5, losing 1, winning 2, losing 1, winning 6, losing 1, you get the point. And my losers never bothered me because I would make 50 or 100 or 150 or 200 pips then lose 50 but on one trade. So I would go up 50 pips plus, another 200, plus 100, plus another 150, then I’d lose 50 big whoop! I would exit my trades whenever I wanted. My best trade I made 245 pips it was open for about two days and when I woke up the next morning of the third day it was up like 250 as I was quickly freaking ecstatic I closed it and it got me 245 pips because it was right after a news announcement so the market was extremely volatile.

So that is my risk management. Here is the plan I created and wrote down and followed it exactly. My month goal was 400 pips. And brother let me tell you if you cant get a messily 400 pips per month you need to find another strategy, because there was weeks I made almost my monthly goal. So the first “round” (that’s what I like to call it) I made $1 per pip for 400 pips earning me $400. Next round $2 per pip for 400 pips earning me $800. And so on and so forth within the first full year of trading I made $30k from $650 starting balance. I was extremely excited because I didn’t do anything to earn this money! Forex for me is a money printing machine because I would withdraw money and immediately make that money right back like it was free money! So year two starting with roughly $30k in my account I started the first round of that year making $12 per pip. At the end of the second year I had made $100k out of my $30K at the end of the year I was making about $10k per round! Starting year 3 and withing about 3 months of the year I maxed out what I wrote for my goal I wanted to be making $100 per pip at 400 pips per “round” and now I’m currently making $40,000 per round only risking $5,000 per trade, my best month to date was (rounded up) $100k within 1 month.

Since then my daughter and I live in a extremely nice neighborhood, I am a member at the prestige country club and golf course they have, I take her and pick her up everyday to and from her Christian private school (tuition is about $10k for this year), I bought (with cash) a 2014 GMC Denali 2500HD DIESEL (huge lift, mud tires, just ridiculous) and I put down $60k on my 2008 Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera because that’s the goal we all wanted anyways was a supercar. And I have started investing in silver, gold and platinum bars. Other than that I mean I have perfect credit so I have a Chase Sapphire Preferred credit card and a Amex Platinum card which I use for her and I to eat at those “fancy” restaurants and for traveling. But we still enjoy our Mc. Donalds lol nothing makes me laugh more than drive through fast food in the Lambo. God is extremely important in my life and I know that without Him none of this would have been possible. I donate money to our church in the thousands of dollars and I am currently talking with our local hospital to see if I can’t buy my own wing! I just think that would be very admirable and I’m a c00cky SOB so I want my name on it! lol. Just trying to be a good person and not the normal rich A holes.

In closing, YOU CAN make amazing returns on a very little investment of $650 in cold, hard, last money to my name cash. Losing or giving up was not an option, failing my daughter was not an option, luckily I had great people around me who believed in me and supported me for that first year. God is a very amazing guy and I highly recommend you ask Him to come into your life! I hope anyone who reads this does just that and one day we can kick it in Heaven together. God Bless and Happy Trading! Don’t give up! Make a plan, stick to it, and conquer it! It can be done! Trust in God, he will guide you down the path He has planned for you.

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HAHAHA, that was quite entertaining to read. You have a fantastic imagination! We all have dreams, but yours are lovely and vivid.

How did your post prove anything? Anyone can write that. You’re claiming a 4600% return on investment. That’s absolutely ridiculous. Nobody around here is going to take that seriously unless you post some trading history.

Yeah, no thanks. This is a Forex forum, not your religious soapbox.

Hi scummy,

Are you going to be sharing with us your strategy?


I’m not here to show off or gloat nor prove anything to people like that guy. And I could careless if you believe me or not. And my strategy is a simple breakout strategy from support and resistance lines and fractals. I am merely telling my personal story because there is no one who has been successful that has a story who isn’t selling something at the bottom. I’m not selling anything. I’m not for sale. I don’t want your money. My daughter and I have more than enough.

Show me some verified proof of god, and whilst your at it show me some verified proof of your trading results - now we can move on, on two counts. However, if you do continue then best of luck - but you have to understand from a realistic point of view this is near to a zero probability of long term success.


Show me some verified proof of god, and whilst your at it show me some verified proof of your trading results - now we can move on, on two counts. However, if you do continue then best of luck - but you have to understand from a realistic point of view this is near to a zero probability of long term success.[/QUOTE]

He’s just yanking everyone’s chain … Lol.


Show me some verified proof of god, and whilst your at it show me some verified proof of your trading results - now we can move on, on two counts. However, if you do continue then best of luck - but you have to understand from a realistic point of view this is near to a zero probability of long term success.[/QUOTE]

When are you posting your myfxbook on your thread?

on the 21st as the opening post states :wink:

Again I’m not here to prove myself or verify. When I was starting out I can’t tell you how many times I googled forex success or can you really make money trading forex every form of that you could think of I googled it. And I’d read all these stories which may or may not have been true but at the end was “wanna learn how I did it? For only $XXX” and I quickly just back page and read the next story on the list. I wrote this for all the people starting out or someone who has been trading and feels hopeless. There is always hope and trading is real. You can make money and you don’t have to start with thousands of dollars.

[QUOTE=“SCUMMY666;587345”]Again I’m not here to prove myself or verify. When I was starting out I can’t tell you how many times I googled forex success or can you really make money trading forex every form of that you could think of I googled it. And I’d read all these stories which may or may not have been true but at the end was “wanna learn how I did it? For only $XXX” and I quickly just back page and read the next story on the list. I wrote this for all the people starting out or someone who has been trading and feels hopeless. There is always hope and trading is real. You can make money and you don’t have to start with thousands of dollars.[/QUOTE]

Someone who can’t control their emotions, as you said is the case with yourself (the fictional character you are portraying) will never see anywhere near a years worth of consistent success much less several.

Nice try though.

This couldn’t be more true if… I was risking a ton of my account like I did in the beginning. In the beginning making cents per pip was just ridiculous to me. So I had to risk chunks of my account to make $1 per pip which adding that $400 to my account meant risking a little less. Next round $2 adding that $800 profit to my account, risking a little less. Once I was making a few thousand dollars per round my risk was getting so small that instead of going to like $500 per pip I just started withdrawing bigger and bigger amounts of money I keep around 100k in my fxcm account meaning I could lose roughly 10 trades before I had to downgrade to my last round of $50 per pip.

Do you think that forex is now my only business venture? Do you think for a second that I don’t have other income now? When people win the lottery most of the time they just blow it, spend every last penny and end up broke like they were to begin with. I have been extremely smart with my profits. I have angel invested in a few companies. Funded a head shop for my friend, the one who let me crash on his couch. He turned me on to a friend of his who was brewing his own beer in his bath tub I funded him to start his own brewery. I am becoming interested in real estate. I make my money work for me. I don’t lift a finger to do much of anything these days. Well lifting weights lol can’t pay someone to lift weights for me. Once again I’m not here to prove anything to people like you. Maybe my story will motivated you to get yours. I hope so.


Do you think that forex is now my only business venture? Do you think for a second that I don’t have other income now? When people win the lottery most of the time they just blow it, spend every last penny and end up broke like they were to begin with. I have been extremely smart with my profits. I have angel invested in a few companies. Funded a head shop for my friend, the one who let me crash on his couch. He turned me on to a friend of his who was brewing his own beer in his bath tub I funded him to start his own brewery. I am becoming interested in real estate. I make my money work for me. I don’t lift a finger to do much of anything these days. Well lifting weights lol can’t pay someone to lift weights for me. Once again I’m not here to prove anything to people like you. Maybe my story will motivated you to get yours. I hope so.[/QUOTE]

The art of trolling is to get other posters to invest more time in responding to your posts then you spend in writing them… Lol. You aren’t doing to great in that regards.

Sounds like that’s not what I’m trying to do here then is it?

OMG This is hilarious. I can’t believe you are actually trying to have us believe your batsh*t story Scummy666. Just click on your name to read your other posts. You live with your sister and your current bills are $400, which is what you hope forex will cover. Or is that also another fictional story. You are really hilarious. :smiley:


Sounds like that’s not what I’m trying to do here then is it?[/QUOTE]

Lol. Or more then likely that you are really bad at it.

Best. Post. Ever.

I donno, I actually believe him

[ …is that the drawing of long knives that I hear…?!.. ]

Of course I take it with a grain of salt, but the elements seem to add up.

We forget that the holy grail is not a method or a system, it is the trader’s mindset
[ if you don’t believe that, you’ve probably never heard of Richard Dennis (95% loss rate system, millions of dollars in profit) ]

Anger has nothing to do with being consistent or being disciplined (in context)
[ an angry, vengeful sniper will still lie in wait for hours/days (discipline) and still hit his targets time and time again (consistency) ]

When living with his (aunty?), whatever happened, he had a roof over his head and food to eat --> in other words, his mind was free from fear. If the worst came to the worst, he was not going to be out on the street. Also being an only child means he was spared of some experiences that may have needed reconciling later on ( yes, he’ll miss the benefits of having siblings and the social advantages, but this is not about that ). [ See: Trading in the Zone, by Mark Douglas ]

Any edge + correct mindset + time will result in profit (even super profit). It happening sooner (rather than later) doesn’t mean someone is fake. As for the edge (system), you’ll be surprised to find that “highly profitable strategies are often astoundingly simple” [ JCL, lead for the Zorro auto-trader project ]

@Scummy: what you could do going forward ( if you don’t mind ) is reveal more details of your system, especially your entry criteria ( you mentioned quite a bit, including the breakout part, but nothing at all on WHY/WHEN you enter ). You have nothing to lose by sharing it, right? (best way to prove that it’s real). And you will end up helping people ( just like the church donations )


I had a group of friends who defied all odds and made big money trading stock options in their first 2 years of trading. There were 4 of us. 3 made big bucks. 1 blew out his account repeatedly. Guess which one I was. :frowning: