A friend of mine just gave me an EA code. We both do not know how to create an EA. If anybody can and it is interested in doing it and wanna share it for all of us it will be much appreciated. The system gives 6K%+ profit for few years. Here is the link with the backtesting: Super Scalper EURUSD Strategy | Myfxbook . Here is the EAcode:
BB1Period 30 BB2Period 20 BB3Period
BBMethodStr "0 BBMethod 1 BBandClearance
TakeProfit 100 PendingStopLoss 10 PendingStopClearance
Slippage 1 MagicNumber 585169 ECNStyle
StopLossMove 5 StopLossTrailClearance 5 StoplossTrail
MinBarHeight 0 GapFilter 1 MaxAvSpread
Sep0 " Sep1 "Money Man… Sep2
MoneyManagement true RiskPercentage 1 MaxLots
FixedLots 0.2 Sep3 " Sep4
Sep5 " UseTimeZone false TZStartTime
TZEndTime “23:59” Use_Friday_Close true Friday_Close
NoFridayTrade false TZOpen_Sec 300 TZKill
TimedExit 2000 OrderTimePips 2000 Sep6
Sep7 "These are… Sep8 " DynamicStopLossIncrement
Sep9 " Sep10 "These ARE… Sep11
DynamicStopLossMax 9 DynamicBBandMax 1200 DynamicBBandIncrement
Thanks for the help!
Best regards