80-90% Traders Fail, 80-90% Trading Education is Pure Price Action is that a coincidence?

Yes they will indeed

Yep I got this evidence too. 90% of my clients were trading pure price action. Some for 2+ Years some for 6 with no sustainable progress.

Then they changed to trading with price & indicators

One guy now trades full time because he realised what I was saying is true as much as he hated to admit it that pure price action is the hardest way to stack the odds on his side and he had wasted years ( his ego didn’t get in the way of listening and wanting to change) he learned with indicators as a part of his approach to increase his odds

Then went full time

Thanks @Johnny1974

Then we get the denial !

And in true Spammer fashion we get only a couple of posts lower ;

And in the same post the Spiel starts !

And after pointing out hwo “wonderful” is his mentoring ;

Now I suggest the snake oil salesman (Which is what he is) - Takes a few minutes to read the forum rules and either contacts Admin to arrange to pay for his advertising in an open and above board manner - or else stops forthwith - !

We get a lot of his type on here - coming looking for “suckers” to sell their rubbish courses and “mentoring” to !

When we all know that the old adage is teh best -

If his system is any good - why doesn’t he quietly make his fortune and retire - instead of trying to sell it to “Newbies” ?

The answer of course is that he has nothing of any value to sell - and in the fullness of time - we WILL flag him ! and he WILL get barred before he changes his name and comes back next week with a different SCAM !


Because I can make even more money obviously! Newbies have no chance with your input

I have more value than you.

You are rude, abusive, calling names.

Making slanderous claims… careful what you put in writing

Top bloke aren’t you.

False Claims made in writing are not Slanderous - !

They are Libellous !

Even there you show your ignorance and lack of detailed thinking !

My considered opinion is that you are a simplle scammer - offering nothing of value !

However feel free to prove me wrong !

Do as others who have merit do and publish your trades - on here with reasoning - in REAL TIME !

Show us your competence ! :wink:

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You define yourself a profitable trader but you mention to be profitable from May 2020 …
This is waaaaaay too short.

99.9 of traders lose their money on a SIGNIFICANT timespan of 3-5 years, 80% is for a short one year lookback.
99.9% traders use either candlestick or indicators, so 99.9 of TA does not work, good luck to find the 0.1% that works.

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You of course are consistently profitable I take it?

Perhaps you should do your home work. That’s specific to my community.

Then there is another 12 months of consistency in the public domain…

Thats over 24 months worth of proof more than what you got isn’t it?

Oh and I have proof of a client going on to trade full time…

Nice try but that’s more transparency than any other I know of.

Rather than this bombardment of gotcha type posts you should listen you may learn something

Who cares

You are a grown man enjoying getting your kicks from a forum, do you help the newbies in here?

Or attack anyone that try’s to help them?

You went dead quiet when I asked you for evidence didn’t you…

You’re done.

I am breakeven but I have 5 years of verified trackrecord.
BTW I am not the one who is selling mentorship. :wink:

Can you show a myfxbook trackrecord longer than one year?

myfxbook is known for false returns renting MT4 servers I thought you would know that

I have over 24 months of proof I’ve just told you that, do your home work

Sounds like my client who went full time after he dumped Pure Price Action and learnt how to think in probabilities, you know the core of speculation.

I’m not selling you anything

A 5 year break even track record shows you that you are doing something wrong.

Price action trader?

Wrong, my longest trackrecord is based on moving averages and indicators.

Maybe I am doing something wrong but to prove you are doing things right you need a longer and verified trackrecord.

No, you are just sharing a link to your website where you sell courses for 96/month or 975/year …

Not at all, not when I have had a client go on to trade full time, that tells you not only I can trade, I can teach

Imagine, you are so stubborn, and your ego is so big it won’t let you think, hang on a minute this guy could help me, maybe I could learn something but no you continue cutting off your nose to spite your face to make a point on a forum.

That is why you will never make it as a trader, you have the wrong mindset…

where did I share a link? Never in a post…

You are right, trading is a losing mindset, teaching and get paid is the profitable mindset. :sunglasses:

It is written clear in your bio, together with a baiting 220% profit…

You are right I am stubborn and still trying to beat the market, this is the reason I have a long trackrecord.
If I were less stubborn I would have started to teach some miracle strategy much earlier.


I didn’t say trading did I…

Your closed mind is the issue and your ego won’t let you admit, something needs to change for it to improve, as soon as you admit that you can get over what ever it is holding you back as your mind then becomes receptive to change.

If it wasn’t allowed why do they have an option for a website?

That is the words of a very bitter person.

Think about it hard for a minute - you are upset because what?

Because I shared some of my opinions in a forum and you have taken great offence to that.

Ask yourself why that is then grow up!

If you focused on improving rather than letting your pride get in the way you may have a chance, until then keep treading water

The message is that if the reader listens to the author he/she will ‘do well’ and therefore by default if he/she doesn’t then ‘do well’ is not guaranteed.

Is it possible to see the ego in the author and if so is it in disguise?

And not to compare your record vs mine which is a journey of the ego.

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The message is loud and clear.

Listen to those with more experience than you and you may learn something.

If you allow YOUR ego to get in the way (which is incredibly common in people learning to trade) you won’t listen and therefore you will not digest new information which could lead to progress.

Those that remain open and receptive to change do the best in trading.

There is a common theme in these forums of a few people like you (been in baby pips for a while) trying to do the gotcha posts and failing miserably.

Interesting. What’s the basis and source of this number?

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