For me last night was a bit rough. And you know the feeling when you have a bad trade and it doesn’t let you sleep? I kept thinking about it for a long time. But then, my partner, who I share everything with, told me to let it Go! And learn to do it better next time. It’s a basic trading rule, but many of us forget that sometimes. Anyone had such experience?
Letting it go is fine only after you have closely looked into your trading journal, have identified the reason/mistake behind that loss and have figured out what you could have done to minimise the loss. Only then will you be able to save yourself in the future.
Didn’t you place the stop loss because for me only those lost trades hurt where I have lost more than my capacity but I always ensure that I use stop loss and don’t lose more that I can take up.
I used to do this but finally got past it. It’s hard, but you have to remember that losses are just a part of it. Don’t beat yourself up over it! Learn from any mistakes and push forward