A beginner in forex

My name is Esther, a beginner in forex. Hoping to learn from this platform and become a successful trader.

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welcome take it slow, only risk what you can lose, realize 90% fail.

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Welcome Esther! This is really a good place to learn how to trade. Remember do not rush into trading with your real money. Take your time learning and practice. Good luck!

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sounds really good that you want to be a successful trader , its a good mindset , just go ahead with a hard working mindset.

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to be a successful from Forex is a big deal. grow a patience first of all , because success relates a long time in there.

this is a good realization , majority of this market place are loser , this is a ugly truth.

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Welcoooome! :blush: I agree with the others that this is a great place to start. :smiley: Have you checked out the school of pipsology here already? :smiley:

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welcome . this forum is full of education , i hope you will be knowledgeable from there , happy learning.

Hi Esther! Nice to meet you :grin:

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Nice to meet you too

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Thank you so much

Hi Esther :wave:
Welcome aboard it will take time and patience buy if you stick with forums like these and practice on demo you will be fine

Keep learning efficiently on this amazing platform. Wishing you all the best for your journey.

Hello Esther. Your knowledge and skills are the foundation of a prosperous trading career. Allow yourself plenty of time. Continue to learn and practise.

Hi Esther, just focus on learning and practicing. Allocate a time of day you can do this regularly and set good habits early.

Hello, welcome to the forum. Spend time learning and understanding the market, that is how you will know how to make moves towards earning profit rewards. Be patient and build knowledge. Good luck!