A bit about me!

Hello everyone, I’m happy to be here! My name is Temi and I’m from Texas, US. I’ve just graduated from the course and I’m very excited to begin trading in the FOREX world. I’m looking forward to meeting with others to expand my knowledge and earn more!


Hi @Temi4
Welcome aboard. So, tell us more. Have you traded before? why trading?

I’m a newbie’s, just want to try something different.

welcome mate, i wish we can have a profitable communication here :smiley:

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Hi and welcome

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Just because you want to try something new you decided to try trading? why not something else?

Be nice Charlotte! :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Welcome Temi, and Good luck. I’m a newbie too, and I’m learning yet.

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Welcome to the community, Temi. Congrats on finishing the school. Open a demo account to practice what you learned if you haven’t done that yet.

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C’mon I am nice :grin:
I’m just asking… :unamused:

Welcome, @Temi4 ! :tada: Congrats on your graduation :mortar_board: and for stepping into the world of FOREX! :chart_with_upwards_trend: Excited to have you here and can’t wait to share knowledge and success stories. Dive in, ask questions, learn, and earn! :muscle: Let’s crush it

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Welcome and congratulations on graduating from the course! Remember to stay patient and keep learning from your experiences. Good luck!

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Will do, thanks, I really appreciate :pray:t4:

Awesome, thanks, it’s nice to be here.

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I have, actually, and I’m getting better day by day, thanks :pray:t4:

Thanks, nice to be here.

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Why not forex???

Well, there are other subjects that ain’t this much risky, less stressful…

Welcome Temi4! Congrats on your progress and good luck on your trading journey!

Good to hear. Good luck on your trading journey.