A brief share, questions around volume, any contribution welcome

FxPro GBPUSD h1 8Xfnn | cTrader

Glad to see I am not the only conspiracy guy in the room.

I am short on cable at 1.6998 despite all the selling which I missed because I decided to lie in despite screaming about that 1.7032 resistance and sell opp (c’est la vie). I am short anyway only 30k but I intend to scale in if the trade starts breaking support on volume, think sellers have shown their hand so we have to see.

There is a lot of support here but I was saying that Carney will get dovish on the rate hike as the only incentive was to cool the housing market but seeing that the housing index is falling, what incentive does he have? It is a point of view…


I too missed the initial rally but jumped in to see my position reverse against me and now the pair

has bounced off 1.7000 and is down to 1.6993… I am -15 points at 30k…

As Carney says that the rate hike will be data driven, he has effectively cornered himself … if data

is not improving enough, there will be a delay in the rate hike…

Could the Cable sell-off continue?

PS: Emeraldorc, what is volume doing at the moment? I do not have access to that at work…

Has the sell-off at 9.30 UK time shown much volume behind it? And what of the volume after that,

on an hourly basis, let us say?


You may like to pay a visit to this new thread. In my opinion, it is superb and the author - jalapenoninja has kindly provided a good indicator which posts and provides an alert on low demand.




Sorry Pip caught this message now. Well I am short taken 10k off the table scaled in an additional 20k at 1.6967 close volume is all selling at present. Looking at support at 1.6939, no buying appetite at all not even the 200 algos kicked assuming they are not further down the but even the daily favour a short but you can never trust the markets.

So I have another 30k in play. We will see… The market is sentimental for USD it has been this way for sometime until the GBP blip but seeing the Canadian hired gun has taken instructions from Washington. I think the dream of $2 to the GBP is over.

FxPro GBPUSD h1 l1fnn | cTrader

FxPro GBPUSD h1 zYfnn | cTrader First scale out
FxPro GBPUSD h1 cYfnn | cTrader scale in
FxPro GBPUSD h1 BYfnn | cTrader Second scale out
FxPro GBPUSD h1 HYfnn | cTrader Final scale out

Okay guys, I am final out of the trade. Made some nice pips, haven’t added it all up yet but it has gone well. Don’t think market has anymore momentum on the downside volume has been minimal, however all rests on the US GDP figures in my opinion, the smart money is always happy to profit take on the USD after a small move, also looks like an ABC Elliot pattern so I expect a small congestion phase.

Watching the 1.6936 support level, opportunity on the upside, a close above 1.6973 will signal a recovery for the upside. A break below that support would mean looking to daily lows 1.6920. Sterling will be in danger…

The market never stops schooling you. SCALE IN is never for the small retail trader. The broker always gets a nibble at you, my scale in got stopped on a spike because I would not put a trade and not put a stop, so you risk giving some of your profits on spikes or minor mark ups or downs. I have known this but wanted to really see if I could scale what was a momentum move and still come off on harmed.

In any case happy trading guys!!

Great trade myfriend. For sure school is never out in this business. Have A Good One.

Thanks GP. Took a break today. I suspected there will be a crazy congestion phase so waiting for a break above 1.7011 or close below 1.6973, I have no idea what is moving sterling but seems like a lot of volume has gone into that last up move so the market is in flux.

We must see what the smarts decide is the outcome.

That makes sense -2.9% NOT growth. Looks like the GBP has got that needed boost. In that event there is buy opp at support 1.6973 to target 1.7000 at the very least or an extend to 1.7011. This is what I mean about the USD it is so unreliable.

For what it’s worth. A trader told me to wait in most cases for 20 to 30 minutes after NY open to take your first look at the market. He said in most cases the volume drops off about 20 minutes after the NY open. I haven’t checked back for a better picture, but at 1st glance could be a helpful tip. But like everything “depends”

Here’s my trade for today. I a;ready took some profit, but I’m going to run with it

Nice trades!

I am at work so …erm… I should not be on Babypips…

A few minutes there was a MASSIVE equities sell-off… I sold 20k on the S&P500 and made 42 pips,

i.e. £ 49.40… the trade lasted ten minutes… I pretty much caught the move from the top…

The drop-off was actually about 150 pips… NASDAQ and Yen crosses moved similarly… I could

not see anything particularly high-impact in the real-time news… Whatever triggered this, it was

one of those moments that we all crave: clear movement, single-minded and highly volatile…

You are in with confirmation, you are out, and your coins rattle in your pocket…



For sure nice when it works

Hello gents,

You both might enjoy this new video. It’s the first one from DailyFX quantitative strategist David Rodriguez discussing his approach to using the new Real Volume and Transactions indicators.

FxPro GBPUSD h1 YD5wn | cTrader

This is a classic Elliott 5 wave did not see this at all but suspected it could be once I say the retrace from 1.7032 but these have been rare on an hourly time frame in FX these days, usually a flurry of ABC moves but that’s it…

Well it is over and we have seen an A correction from 1.7051, will be followed by a B perhaps back to that high or 1.7032 area and later C and so on so a congestion phase is on the way. I did trade yesterday at all so nothing to report. Started a new project so will be out of action for a few weeks but that’s okay I will be keeping an eye. Close above 1.7032 will expose that high if not look for 1.7011 area and below for support and buy opps.

Happy trading guys!!

Thank you very much, Jason!

I have not seen it yet (shame on me) but I will take a look at it tomorrow on my way to work!


Hello Traders!

Here are two examples I have prepared for this thread…

It is not often that I get to study volume, because I can only access

it once I am home and it is on my girlfriend’s laptop, so I took this

opportunity to make a couple of chart screenshots and comment on them,

using what I studied in Coulling’s book and in Emeraldorc’s videos…

In the above example, we can see on the EUR/GBP hourly chart (between 12th June and today, 30th June)

how on the 12th June the large red candle highlighted in orange is backed by an equally conspicuous

volume bar below it: this, according to Coulling (and Wyckoff), represents a real move; indeed, this took

the pair from above 0.8050 through 0.80250 and eventually through 0.8000 (a major level); however,

volume trickled away almost immediately after that initial bear move, thus the pair did not continue its

journey south, but stalled and reversed to test the 0.80250 level, and then getting stuck in a range

between that and the 0.79750 one (marked as the lower red line on the chart)… Are you with me?

Similarly to the 12th June example, the large volume bar on the 24th June, also highlighted in orange,

backed the bullish move seen in the chart, and pushed the pair back above the major 0.8000 level;

however, volume dropped down immediately after, leaving this move powerless, and the pair failed

to make much progress…

So, in both first and second instance, we saw that the large volume was accompanied by a large

candle, which guaranteed a break-out/rally, although the follow-through was muted due to falling

volume; in the third example, however, from the 26th June, we see how an immense volume bar

(above 80,000K) failed to generate an equal amount of movement in price, or, in other words, the

size of the corresponding candle on the chart was minuscule compared to that of the volume bar…

What followed the move shows that the pair went nowhere in the following few hours, as the discrepancy

between volume size and price movement means that it was a false move, or rather, one to be cautious about…

Here is my second example:

I chose this pair because GBP/USD mirrors the previous pair, to some extent…

What we see here, in the first instance from the 24th June, again highlighted in an orange box,

is a high volume matched by a large (red) candle, pushing price below the significant 0.7000 level;

however, falling volume after the breakout/rally means that the move loses strength and in the following

two days can be seen reversing to the same level before the bearish move…

In the second instance, from today, we see how the large volume bar was accompanied by a large

(bullish) candle, pushing price from 0.7050 to just short of 0.7100; consequently, however, this

breakout fizzled out because the volume tumbled down to very low levels…

Although the pair has pushed above the 1.7100 level, the lack of supporting volume denies its

rally the strength to push it forward, at least until the next volume rush… And, with the EUR/GBP

‘oversold’ (a word to be used with caution) resisting to drop below its 0.8000 level, we could have

an inversion in tendencies, brought about by price logic: GBP(/USD) ‘overbought’ becoming too expensive

and being sold off (or rather bought by the market makers from us, who sell it to them in a bear wave)

from 1.7100, and EUR(/GBP) becoming cheap enough to buy back (or rather sold by the market makers

to us, who buy it off them in a bull wave) from 1.8000…

What does Professor Emerald think about it all?


Sorry guys will be scarce. Just started a new project so my diary is full.

Hope to have more time soon.

Excellent… just don’t tell Torulf :wink:

Good luck !

Development from last night: EUR/GBP is through 1.8000 and is now testing 0.7975…

Could this be the end of the bear move?

Also, GBP/USD has gone up to 1.7150 and is now testing that…

Let us see what happens…

:35: Up up

Yes, very insightful! :22: