A fresh start... I need a change of direction

Hey everyone, I hope you are keeping well?

I feel like I’ve become too comfortable with my life, I need a new challenge and I want to learn a new skill.

I have gone through a lot recently so I feel like learning forex might help me focus again.

Thanks guys,

See you at the top…


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See you when you get there, man. Need any advice on the way up, we’re here!!

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Yes, focus on learning how not to lose money, and blowing your account.

Best of luck.

Welcome to the community Freezy! How are you getting on with your trading education? We’ll be looking forward to your progress.

Welcome! I definitely think trading is a great skill to learn, certainly worth the time since it can help you out thorough out life and even into retirement. Good luck out there :four_leaf_clover:

Welcome to the community, @RSFreezy. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

If looking for challenges, forex is the perfect fit. Educate yourself well and don’t forget to practise in a demo account. Remember that consistency and discipline are the traits that’ll lead you to success.