A guide to teaching threads on babypips as of Oct 2013

This is an eye-opener for us newbies. Would you consider to continue writing honest things because as I read somewhere that 99% is scam and maybe 1% is real thing in FX and I really agree on that. Maybe your role is to teach us newbies how to watch out and tell the difference between clean and dirty business. Many of us would like to believe in the dream of get-rich-quick-and-easy but some of us know that it takes a lot of work, study and lots of luck to make any money on FX.

What has DUE DILIGENCE got to do with “copy other people and are too lazy to learn to trade” ? You totally missed my point DUDE. And I wonder how can you be FAIRLY sure that I’ll fall into any category? You don’t know me at all, this is only my third post on BP. In fact, the 1st word that you addressed me was wrong, I am NOT a DUDE.

If my last post was too complicated for your intelligence to comprehend, I’ll lay it out in plain words: All I was saying was that it’s right to always find proof and facts. Thats all. Whatever problem you have with how other people trade, how lazy they are or what category they fall into is the least of my concern.

I see no reason for angry arguments - some people trade manually, others get to copy them, its a fair trade off for all. the signal providers get their trades and commissions and those that don’t know how to trade or have no time to engage, get their trades. Works win-win for all, doesn’t mean there are people that are lazy or so. think a bit outside the box.