A newbie just arrived now!

Hi Boys and girls!

Well… Where the fk should I even start? But anyway, I’m just a 19y/o dude straight out of High school. I’m currently taking a gap year, working as a store clerk, experimenting with new things, and learning new skills which are mainly digital. Forex is one of them, When I first got introduced to forex, the fundamental parts of it made sense for me. And I think part of the reason is that I did Economics as a subject in High school(IB Diploma). So, I want to go into deep and master this skill set. I’m not in a rush to make money from forex since I got other things to do in my life like starting university which is why I’m thinking in terms of 5 to 6 years from now. Is this thing gonna pay part of the bills six years from now? Thank god I’ve got a job living with my parents. That’s all about me guys! Thanks to babypips for these incredible free resources. Wish me luck.

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Enjoy your time here.

Thanks, mate