A newbie just crashed in!

Hello everyone!
I’m iPriestking and I’m glad to join this prestigious platform.

I’ve always wanted to trade forex, this year I decided to start. I believe forex is for me because it can afford me freedom to live the life I want. I hope to make it big and that’s why I’ve committed to learning.

I hope to enjoy this platform greatly.

Steady on fella your.not.in heaven yet :smiley:lots of time and effort needed for success At least you can use the education here for free.

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Welcome! It’s going to be a long journey of learning and practice before you become profitable. Good luck and hope you’ll have a great time learning here.

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Welcome to the community, @iPriestking. We’re glad to have you here too. Start with the education section here then open a demo account to practice what you’re learning. This makes your learning more comprehensive. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

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Thanks buddie

Thanks man

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