hey whats good. I live in south florida, im a full time audio engineer and im in love with fx, charts, technical analysis, and trading. Im dedicated and want to learn as much as i can to be able to provide the life me, my family, and future kids deserve.
Hi good luck in your journey Regards Greg
Welcome to the forum, learn to earn.
learning is most important i think there is none who can deny this , but i think you have ensure regular practice until having a consistent result besides learning.
Hi and welcome to the forum
Welcome @MachoTainoFX! You will find a lot of useful information here. Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey!
thank u. good luck swell and God bless
thank you, and good luck to you as well.
Welcome! Willingness to learn is the first step. So you’re on the right track buddy. Learn all the strategies you can and maintain a trade journal. Have you created a demo account, or are you trading live?
hello and welcome to the community. How is your experience going so far?
Generational wealth is a great target.
Few traders post re their children’s wealth. the few who mention their children are just trying to trade money to pay for their children’s happy childhood.
I have no children so all I have to do is make more money than I need. I intend to spend it all by the time I die, nothing will be left to be passed on. But if was a parent trader, I would want not just wealth for me but also a fund of capital and a trading system which is a source of wealth for them as soon as they’re old enough to trade.