A plain speaking youtube channel for beginner traders

Just a quick one for the weekend study the Baby Pips pages to gain a foundation of trading as it is not a overnight process and also here is the link some of you guys have asked for to all the vids on my channel The Scruffy Trader . All in easy to understand language breaking trading into bite size chucks in real time


Great! I’m excited to study your videos!!!

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Highly reccommend these videos, ive learned a lot from them.


I’m in the process of sending myself back to zero, and build myself better.

I’m re-thinking my strategy, so I can trade better.

Two steps back, three steps forward.

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You’d be surprised how many times most successful traders had to “send themselves back to zero” :slight_smile:

It’s usually a sign of you tossing some preconceived notion due to new information entering the picture, and, overall a sign of growth.


Happens to us all , as the markets evolve so must we as traders

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Yeah, the notion that I thought I knew what I was doing.

You just gotta be honest with yourself. If I’m losing money, but others are making money…saying “forex is a rigged game” is cheating myself out of the chance of doing well.

If you go on youtube and a guy is flashing his cars and money…yeah that could be a scam

But forex overall isn’t a scam. I’ve spoken with people on here who do actually make money.

The success is out there. You just gotta decide if you’re willing to grind it out until you get

Nothing good comes easy. Figure out what you’re doing wrong and fix it.

And these videos are the key to doing it better.


Just an observation–

Another way to grow as a trader- stop comparing yourself to anyone but the you of yesterday.


I have watched a number of the the Scruffy Trader videos. They great; highly recommend them! Easy to understand and right to the point!
Thanks for posting these @Lang15 !! Big help!!


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Yes, I agree. Try to improve consistently. Keep improving.

I think if you compare yourself to others and you feel discouraged, then it’s unhealthy.

But if you use that person as a benchmark, it will motivate you.

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Don’t even do that- just be better than yesterday and that will have positive compounding effects over time.

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Congratulations for your channel.
I admit that I don’t have the time to check all your videos, so I apologize if you already answered this question in your videos.
I’ve seen a few trading sessions recently, in which you start with a position, based on technical analysis.
When the trade moves against you, you add more to it, averaging down the price, but increasing your exposure on the market.
In the last video, for example, you added 6 positions and, at a certain point, you were down by ÂŁ1,000 in a very quiet and normal period of the market. What if the DAX had a sudden strong up-movement or strong short-term uptrend? Would you keep adding to your position?
Could you elaborate more on what’s your exit plan?


So, you open a small position at your desired entry point. Then, if it does well, you’ll open a second small position, totalling the full amount you would normally trade.

But if your initial small position doesn’t go your way and hits your stop, you kept your loss small. No big deal.

Is that right?

How kind of trade is this? A swing trade?

I imagine you don’t employ this strategy when trading news because the drop/rise from a news event is relatively short-lived.

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Ok. “Scaling in” correct?

To be honest, I was being too bold. I would go all in (to maximize profit on the trend), and if if the trade went well, maybe I would throw in a little more.

But, as soon as I open an additional position, boom! The trend pulls back.

That’s usually when I get frustrated and assume forex is a scam.

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Due to trolls that follow me , if you need to chat, contact me direct via DM and happy to help as wont be posting publicly further to give them any fuel to fire till the mods sort them out. Sorry guys just not worth the hassle
(fortunately trolls blocked from DM’s and email)


No problem. That sucks.

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I don’t and never have used ExpertOption so not sure of the statement

I got your reply through emails, although it has been cancelled here. Thanks for explaining @Lang15

Trolls are out so not posting anything public of help till mods sort them out

The channel for beginners is a good topic, but there is really a lot of educational material in the network and in books.

[Edited for a Forums Violation]