A reminder to keep things simple

A reminder to keep things simple

Tom Segal -

"I was watching the Scottish Open before the racing started on Saturday and golf commentator Tony Johnstone said something very interesting. He suggested that if you were to ask all the best golfers when they putted best, they would almost all say when they were kids.

The point he was making is that as soon as they got good, they all thought they had to try all the new putting techniques and started thinking too much about it.

When they were young they were fearless and free, and surely that is the state of mind all punters should really try to get into as well.

I know for a fact that the more I have to work at finding a winner the less likely I’m going to achieve that goal, especially in the big-field handicaps.

It’s possible to make a case for loads in that type of race and I’m sure the key to being successful is to trust your instincts and use the factors that have worked well for you in the past.

I’m sure these putting gurus help lots of people get the ball in the hole more often, but I reckon it’s less about changing their grip, ball alignment, or anything too technical and more about decluttering their minds and getting them to think clearly again."

This is an extract from Tom Segal’s weekly column in a horse racing publication ‘The Weekender’, Tom is a very knowledgeable horse racing guru and tipster.

I think this analogy can also be applied to trading.


Yea, I have heard this phrase a lot, that if your chart is full of indicators and lines and drawings you will be losing money.



@flamingoproxy I think I’ve tried this strategy.

When price (it’s in there somewhere) crosses through the pink zone and the 7 MA’s cross above zone’s #2 & #6, you should see some flashing lights. But don’t do anything yet because the RSI, and MacD need to diverge, but that needs to align with PSI and BS indicators. Then and only then…

run away!


that BS indicator - i think that was the one Jackson Pollock used to recommend …



It suggests that overly complex and cluttered charts can lead to confusion and poor decision-making, ultimately resulting in trading losses.