Taradiddle, as my trusty thesaurus tells me, is an ‘untruth’ or ‘piece of fiction’ or ‘deception’, which in my humbliest opinion could easily be terms used to describe the seemingly endless stream of dream peddlers we have in our own profession.
I feel a part of me wants to rant and rant about the global commercial Forex band wagon that promotes itself as this ‘rags to riches’ ‘never work again’ dream cop out story, and rant some more on the fact that it is so blatant in it’s promises which are quite frankly unobtainable by most people and certainly create false hope among the mentally vulnerable ie: all of us.
But a rant is a quick personal fix, a blow up and a mere fulmination at the ability of some to exploit us barrel fish to such an extent that we just disconnect totally with reality and fly off with the piper in joyful innocence.
My question is, is this just the way it is? are we going to have to just accept living with the flashy neon light around us and tripping over the ‘lemmings this way’ arrows?
Don’t get me wrong I realise and acknowledge that many people are actively promoting correct meaningful ideas about this line of work and I applaud loudly their efforts. This is by no means a last gasp post about the ‘end is nigh’, it’s very much trying to erect new signposts, bigger flashy neon arrows that point the inexperienced towards that stuff, the good stuff.
As I am but a twinkle in this forums eye, I don’t want to do something I’m not allowed, but my suggestion is to try and create and collate a list of links which contain key information for a novice trader to get their head around.
Now I have an idea for this that I’ll throw out there to see if anybody is interested, but if this seems slightly more boring and pointless than drying paint don’t worry I can handle rejection
Do you think it would be possible to create a very tight list of links that you could trust because they have been verified and reviewed by other traders? A sort of mini consensus on some helpful ideas, an antonym to humbug and hoax. A signpost that points in the right direction of great education material with which you make your own bed.
Could this be done by the polling system on these boards and personal reviews?