A review of the Babypips School of Crypto course

Hi everyone,
I do not create many posts on Babypips. I am not a beginner. I thought I would do a short review of the linked Learn Forex course.

I am 66% completed having spent a total of 6 hrs 30 mins of relatively undisturbed “training time” over the past 3 days. I estimate I will need a further 3 hrs 30 mins or a total of 10 hours. Beginners may need longer than that. My critique is based on about 4 years of crypto trading experience.

I have just finished a 2 hour session completing module 53 of 82.
The modules are sufficiently short to progress topics with as little as 10 minutes at a time. It is a personal thing, but I prefer to block out one hour sessions for self-study. I have not taken any notes during this learning time. That is unusual for me, and I may take some index screenshots when I have finished and use it as a reference appendix in my crypto trading plan.
The sections on Exchanges, modules 42-53, are equally applicable to Forex as they are to Crypto, and I found the explanation of market and limit orders very simple to understand.
The chart depth, maker or taker fees and order book sections are definitely worth a read as a refresher for anyone who has not used this sort of chart analysis for a long time. Reminded me so much of Bittrex exchange, my favourite before they were forced to close their doors to their UK customers due to inability to comply with new UK FCA rules in a timeframe unachievable by most global exchanges - a real loss in my opinion.

I would be interested to hear other members’ opinions - whether you are a novice, or a crypto trader. It was a great refresher after my baptism of fire as a crypto trader now four years ago. I will revisit this post when I have completed all the modules.

Thank you to BabyPips for providing outstanding training material. :star_struck:


I have now completed this Crypto course, and my estimate to completion was correct. Another 3hr 30 min for a total of 10 hours. The highlight for me was that my own trading plans for crypto very much followed the lesson 65 recommendation of using fundamental, technical and trade risk management for a discretionary strategy. The course also gave me some ideas about periodic review of my portfolio holdings in proportion. I will amend my current longer term portfolio plan to include a 90 day BTC/ETH relative strength and may change the balance of % contribution of these top 2 to my planning. It also gave me some better ideas of amending my “buy and hold” shootcoin strategy, and again, to do a 90 day review of shedding some of the loss makers accumulated over the previous quarter.

The NFT section was a useful reminder of my NFT trading days back in 2021, and a reminder to go back and find out where my 150 or so NFTs are living (metamask, OpenSea? - who knows :rofl:)

For me, that was a useful 10 hours of study and review, at least to know that my strategy and plans are not a million miles away from who wrote the School of Crypto. thanks again to Babypips for providing this useful training material.


Great summary and application. I was arguing with a colleague why crypto wasn’t dumb and struggled to convince him. I decided to complete this course last year and found it very accessible for a newb. After this course I watched 100s of hours of crypto content. Michael Saylor, Adam back, Lyn Alden, Saifadeen, Coin Bureau, Bitcoin University, Raoul Pal and many more.

Bitcoin is highly likely to become a parallel monetary system for most countries. A single Bitcoin will go into the 10s of millions within the next 20 years.