A Whole New World

Hello Everyone, My name is Dominique I am from the US currently I am a full time student studying Business and completely new to trading, Forex, and anything else related to all this stuff in general. I’m here because I am looking into investment opportunities that have to do with market trading so I’m using this as a tool to gain some financial literacy along with learning the ins and outs of trading, Forex and all things related so I am more knowledgeable as a whole.

Hi and welcome… :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello and welcome Dominique! I’m also from the US, just stumbled across trading a few years ago. This is definitely one of the best sites out there, so I hope to see you stick around!

It’s great that you’re studying business full time, as that’s ideal for FX trading to treat it as a new business venture. Which means there is no short cut to success with this zero sum marathon.

Best of luck.

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Most of what you learn will be useless,it’s about experience and intention that what you need to be successful it might take years

Hey, I must tell you that you have made a great choice. Just don’t try to make money easily and do your learning properly. You will grow only if you build your own trading plan.