A winner on every trade? Is it possible?

Wow master tang you made 30 trades with a 100% win rate can I send you my entire life savings now. I will even take a very high intrest loan out on my house sine I cant lose with you.

Sorry I had to poke some fun here hope this guy does make you profit good luck.

I’m done with this thread, I’ll let the results speak for themselves.

Yeh: I have to agree with you ‘Viper5’.

I’ve been monitoring this thread and there’s something ‘amiss’ with what’s been going on here and I cannot quite ‘finger’ it (I have my suspicions but I’ll keep them to myself).

I guess the long and short of it is this: it IS impossible for every trade to be winner and that’s really all there is to it and anybody that is trading intraday and showing a profit every single day is either ‘doctoring’ their results for the purposes of solicitation or is just plain ‘lucky’ and as we all know ‘luck’ tends to run out eventually and in this business always with disastrous results. If trading long term (and depending on what market you’re trading) then I guess it is possible e.g. buy Gold right now and wait until you’re in profit and then take the profit. That may happen tomorrow or it may only happen in ten years time but eventually you will make a profit. If you did this all of the time then sure: every ‘trade’ will be a winner but I suspect that’s not the type of ‘trading’ that the thread starter had in mind!!! Or as somebody else mentioned: trade without stops and LOADS of capital and take profit at any time there is a profit showing although in ANY market that’s still no ‘guarantee’. Take a look at EUR/AUD as a fine example i.e. I’m not sure how many times in the past year or more you’d have had to have added to a losing long position (‘Martingale’???) just in the HOPE that at some point your dollar average on the trade was low enough so as to make a tiny profit on a retrace. Whoever this ‘supposed’ chap is that’s publishing these results is wasting his own time if they’re ‘genuine’ i.e. there isn’t an investment firm in the world that wouldn’t give the guy a job with a TEN digit salary PLUS commission on the profits if every trade that he did was a winner. Put another way: he certainly wouldn’t be ‘messing about’ with $500 ‘here and there’ that’s for sure.

But yes: I’m keen to know the end result of all of this (although I fear we will never know).



All depends on how you were looking to enter the trade.

A “buy” at the top there was not what a seasoned trader would have been looking for. But I can tell you I HAVE made money buying this pair on it’s way down.

NOTHING in forex falls in a straight line;)

AWLRIGHTY!!! You’re now being ‘pedantic’ ‘Master Tang’!!! LOL!!!

The fact of the matter is that YOU KNOW what you’re doing. YOU know that and I KNOW that. BUT THAT BEING SAID: I’m STILL ‘waiting’ for the Bovespa to ‘come back to me’ (about two years or so later)!!! See my point??? (Come to think of it: this is an ‘argument’ for another thread that’s currently ‘in the making’ as we ‘speak’)!!! (OK: only ‘kidding around’ i.e. I closed that trade that was ‘going to come back to me’ at least two years ago with a loss that would make anybody ‘move in ways that they never expected’)!!! LOL!!! (Sorry: that comes from another thread)!!! LOL!!!



Brand new trading week.

I will be adding more money if HE does well this week…go man go !!!


Another good start to the week. A positive one.

So far it has been a 100% hit rate.

sweet man my best advice is ride it as long as possible but get out before the bubble busts. Just like riding a wave on forex. Wish you the best on this

Hey now!!!

I have two kids!


j/k I hear ya! But the honest truth is this game from a forex standpoint comes down to simple math in my personal opinion.

Find the cheapest pair, and leave yourself enough room to maneuver, and you can come out of this smelling like a rose!

But you HAVE to do your homework, or you’ll get your a$$ handed to you on a platter.

Correct… that is exactly the way it should be riden.

It might be prudent to try and make a withdraw from who ever you are invested with, at least your initial investment. I read the thread, but I don’t see any indication if it is your own account with the trader using LPOA to trade for you or if you gave your money to the trader to mix into the pot with every other investor.

If it is not your own account, well good luck with that… that means you have no control over your money and when you have no control over your money, bad things tend to happen.

Anyway hope it works out for you.

It is possible to trade with minimal loses, comes down to having right market entry and good trade management. Personally I have not lost a trade in 9 months or so. Not all trades make piles of $ either, quite a few get stopped at B/E, its all how you handle it.


Good going, very good going, damned good entry picking I must say, it can be done, I know and I see it can be done, but I don’t claim I’ll ever be able to have quite a success rate, concentration lapses :slight_smile:

Volume, Volume, Volume… that is what i use to pick my entries, keeping in mind the overall trend and price range to set TPs.

Its not rocket science, just takes patience and practice and once you lose the feeling of needing to be in a trade, and waiting for the right one then you have it made.


Not a volume fan, but like you say it’s not rocket science, I tell you what is though, convincing people it’s not rocket science once you got a grasp of what you are doing.

When will people learn that the simpler your strategy the better??? :(:confused::mad:

Hm, brandnew2fx, may I ask how you found this “person”? :slight_smile:

Seeing as the site has been opened around the 28th, and the forum opened on the 4th of January, with the only two members and only two posts being from the “admin” and yourself, you have to admit this looks a bit fishy, no?

Looks to me like you’re trying to get the people here demotivated so they’ll invest in your crappy site and then you’ll run off with their money nowhere to be seen.

LOL… if I get that kind of results, I don’t need anyone investing in it. I am in fact trying to talk him out of accepting any more people.

Simple question, is your trader using a LPOA to trade your account or not? LPOA is a limited power of attorney, meaning he or she can trade your account but not make withdrawls or deposits. If they are not doing this, then I would ask them to do so and set-up your own account with which ever broker they use.

If that is not the case, then I’d say you can kiss your money good bye… There have been tonnes of these types of scams look up horizon FX…


I hope your trader isn’t using the same “Option Arbitrage System” Madoff used!

Nope. He certainly is not…he is getting more than 50%

Could you post valid proof of these “results”?