A winner on every trade? Is it possible?

Ah, I see the irony. The main purpose of that post was to get some idea as to what people who hire traders (institutions and such) look for in terms of experience. I would be hard pressed to believe that a 2 week 100% profitable track record would be even remotely sufficient. I wouldn’t ask some random guy to invest in me.

Master Tang, have you found any particular EA’s that work best with your style, or do you hand-trade all of your transactions? Thoughts? Thanks!

No I haven’t. They are all manual trades based on specific setup criterea.

I suppose an EA is possible, it’s got a standardized method of entry, and exit, but my programming skills are nonexistent:p

I’ve looked into learning how to, but if it’s not point and click, or VERY basic HTML, I’d have better luck trying to find my way through the Amazon jungle without a compass.

Slow and Steady is the way to go in the forex market…so says Mr NeverLostaTrade … don’t be in a hurry to lose your money


And yet another day with a win and no loss.

Yeah, I agree. I actually have a bit of a programming background, and I am working on picking up the MQL4 language right now…but it’s definitely tricky if you’ve never programmed in other languages.

I’ve got a couple theories I’d like to test out, I’ve just got to figure out the logic to program it…definitely a pain in the you-know-what!

Amother good day. $562.61 for the day.

Can’t complain. This is looking real good.

There is a nearly perfect way to trade currency’s, with most retail brokers you can’t trade this way. No its not hedging. The only problem your return will only be about 10%-20% annually. There are still loses but they are rare and never large enough to really matter. And before you ask I’m not saying anything. Its easy enough to figure out.

This is about as close to the “Holy Grail” as it gets. There is not a perfect system.

Correct… and I think this guy is doing it very well.

If he’s doing what I’m thinking…then good job, but please try and keep it to your self. But of course you already know that. :smiley:

No worries…he is not telling me and I don’t want to know as long as he can grow my money

What’s your lot size?

Don’t know. I am not the trader, just the investor.

Another great day of profits… $733

Congrats on making what I imagine to be ~400% in a couple weeks. I give him 2 weeks to lose it all. It only takes one bad trade with that type of leverage.

2 weeks from today will be 21st Jan.

Let’s see how it goes. Maybe I take my money out before that.

Is he charging you a comission? I would highly suggest you take out some money soon. As a former trader, you should know that this type of profit is not sustainable. Also, I’m curious as to how you check on your profits. Does he provide you some type of account info?

I am putting in more money.

You don’t cut short a winner, you ride it. You don’t ride a loser, you cut it short.

That is one of the basic rules of forex trading. It is the basic rule of any investing.

I suspect you always cut your winner positions and let your losses run.

To turn out a good trader, one must take small losses and take big winners. This is basic, do the maths and you will see it is very easy to make lots of money if you win big and lose small.

Do the maths for the reverse. If you take big losses in return for small profits…is it easy to make lots of money ??

It is impossible.

Simple concept, but 98% of traders will turn a blind eye to it.

Do a self analysis, when was the last time you took a profit ?..how much was it??

When was the last time you took a loss…how much was it ?

If the loss you took was smaller than the profit you took…you may have the correct mindset. If it was the other way around…you may have to change your mindset.

Do a deeper analysis…look at your last 10 profits you took and the last 10 losses you took…

If you are honest to yourself, you may just discover why you are losing money all the time despite whatever you do…or you may find you are always making money no matter what you do

You are forgetting the win/lose ratio…

I was reading on that guys website. He says you can expect 3% per month. If you deposited only $500, how are you making $500 per day?

You should really read posts carefully.

I did not say I was making $500 a day