A zero knowledge newbie

I know nothing much about forex trading, I’m hoping to learn more, employ a good trading strategy and proper risk management ways in trading. For now I’ll be trading with demo account as I learn hopefully by next year July I can become a profitable trader and start trading with my real account.

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Welcome! Since you’re looking to learn more and build a solid foundation, I’d definitely recommend checking out the School of Pipsology. It’s a great resource for beginners. Stay dedicated, keep learning, and don’t hesitate to ask questions along the way.

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Welcome. you have made a good start. don’t be so keen to use your real money until you can satisfy yourself that you have learned how NOT to lose money. If you have a few months of that outcome, try with a real account for small money - money that you are prepared to lose without it damaging your lifestyle. Slow and steady wins the race.

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Welcooome. :blush: Starting with a demo account is a good idea. :blush: You might also want to try exploring different strategies and see how they work for you? :smiley:

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Hello and welcome! I hope you’re enjoying your time here. Good luck on your trading journey and we’ll be looking forward to your progress!

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Welcome to the community, @ken005. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

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I don’t think you can learn much trading on a demo account for almost a year. Even if you become profitable on the demo, it doesn’t mean you will be profitable on the live account.
On the contrary, it’s almost guaranteed that you won’t be profitable on the real account trading with real money.

You can’t learn how to play poker by playing with just chips. If you really want to learn how to trade, then trade on the demo for a month or two and start trading with your own funds but small ones for the beginning.
Gradually you will develop your own scheme of market behavior.
Good luck with your journey!

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