What do you think about this broker? Heard that it is great for zulutrade clients , any feeback guys?

AAAfx is Zulu traders own brokerage company… market maker…

well, they’re not as good as AAAAFx but they’re a bit better than AAFx. obviously AAAAAFx is the best, but i hear that you REALLY gotta try AAAAAAFx to be amazed.

sorry, was AAAFx a competition to stuff many As in front of their name to bring the name to the top of any/every alphabetically sorted list, like they used to do in the telephone books?

Great broker, and solid execution!
slippage’s almost none-existent with most of the SPs on zulutrade, but one should obvously check the slippage charts when adding a provider. oh, and in case when the market goes bananas crazy moving - they support full refund policy :wink:

AAAfx is one of the best brokers to use along with zulutrade that is why many zulu-clients have accounts there. You can forget about slippage with them.


are you still having the same results with this broker?

There are rumors SP that are trading with AAA aree ranked higher than other SP with different brokers

this would be discrimination!!!
and exactly as you said rumors from bad traders SPs that nag about everything but themselves.
if you check currently number 2, 8, 11 is with alpari ru, number 10 is with varengold and goes on. plus do not forget, the famous FCC account with FXDD that was number 1 for months!! just aaafx is the most used broker among us - afterall there is a reason why almost 70% roughly is having an account there :wink:
Mike, who’s your broker?