About myself and the reason why i chose to become a trader and learn from the best guys on babypips

I really just wanted to have something that i can do to make a lil money on the side, be a little more educated on stuff like this

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First of all you should focus on not losing money, as you will be thrown into the FX market without any experience of trading. And when you get the hang of it, which is simple, but never easy, you’ll be up against more experienced traders who know better than you how to react at what the market will throw at you.

There is no short cut. Best of luck.

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Sounds good! Welcome and study hard!

You could be more ambitious. This will enable you to gauge your performance and maintain progress in your development. Such as aiming to be making the mean annual salary for your country in a maximum of 10 years’ time.

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Trading has amazing rewards for those who are able to master the art

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