About myself and why I want to learn this type of education

This is my first time ever getting into trading and I’m very VERY interested in it, Reason why is because right now because my whole life I struggled financially especially my whole family.I’m 16 going on to 17 in November and would like to start early before it’s to late.I’m from Oakland,California moved to Louisville,Kentucky when I was 3, I’m a breed of Mexican and Cuban.I’ve tried many things in my life to get out of an unstable financial life but I was always lost motivation, But in this particular job/workflow I’m very interested I actually really want to do it.

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Welcome to the community!
My best advice is just not to rush it - this is definitely something that can help you turn your situation around, but it isn’t going to happen overnight. Don’t let that discourage you, since hard work is needed to get things in life. If you start today, you’ll be one step closer!


Focus on learning how not to lose money. Without capital, you cannot trade. Best of luck.

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I wouldn’t jump in yet at your age. Most successful traders need a proper job to fund their trading at least in the beginning. Concentrate on doing well at school and getting a good job. Then you can start teading for money.

learning is important but without education any kind of learning approach can be useless.