About Swattiz, completely new to forex trading!

Hi members, I am from a small country in Africa known as Uganda. I’ve done too many things to mention here but suffice it to say that I am very new to forex trading and look forward to learning evrything necessary to make me a profitable trader from this forum. I am about a week old in the forex trade and have just started to try out a few strategies I read about on demo. I am that new and very glad to be here. I look forward to interacting with as many people as possible and making acquaintance with you all. Thank you so much.


Welcome to the community. I would advice you to go through the School of Pipsology so you can get as much info as possible. It is one of, if not the best free Course you will ever find on Forex Trading

Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

Hello and welcome! This is really a great place for newbies in forex. Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey!

Welcome to the community, @Swattiz.Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome welcooome! :blush: It’s nice that you went to demo before trading live. :sweat_smile: A lot of newbies just dive right in. :smiley: If you don’t mind, which particular strategies are you looking at?

I am studying the TDI Strategy as it seems easy to master, as I learn other things.

Glad you’re already on a strategy. If i may ask what’s the TDI Strategy and what makes you interested in it?

Check out the Big E trading system…