Absolutely new to trading from Congo in Africa!

Hi everyone,

I know absolutely nothing about trading but I’m interested in building over time a passive source of income.
I do wish to make huge profits eventually but I’m a big fan of educating oneself and building carefully little by little over time.
I hope to develop great strategies and automate them In machine learning bots that could help others succeed with limited risks to their hard earned capital.
I look forward to finding mentors and like-minded traders for the journey ahead!

Welcome! If you haven’t been through the School of Pipsology yet, you should check it out. It’s the best place to start for newbies. See you around and good luck!

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Hi and welcome in BP community :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community, @ConneX. Start with the education section here. It’s the best place to start for beginners.

Welcome and remember patience, patience, patience. I’ve lost a lot of money in the beginning because I wasn’t patient and I let my emotions and hunger for big gains get the best of me.

Hey @ConneX
If you really want to learn BP is the best place for you. Enjoy learning and good luck.

Welcome! Taking a careful and educated approach is definitely a smart way to go about it. Best of luck on your trading journey, and here’s to building that passive income little by little!

Welcome ConneX

It’s great to have you here.

FX trading is a profit and loss venture, which means both income and expenditure. Aim to protect your account all the time.

Best of luck.