Academy of Financial Trading

Hi Eddie,

Thanks for the info!~


I checked just now. They have a real event. WOnder if they are real? Snap Academy?

But I dont think if Snap Academy is scam tho

Never heard the name. Though I am not so expert here, I spent sufficient time in forex market. From my own opinion, it may be better not to go with some specific company until you are sure that the company you are trying to use is credible and experienced. Yes, till then you may take help from other sites like Babypips school is one the best options for learning.

The fact that they are handing out certificates that are recognised by noone but themselves doesn’t ring an alarm bells?

Woooa that was cool!

i just tried to learn how to cut loss!

So the certificate doesn’t mean anything?

They are legit and have branch offices in many countries. Have u check on them before commenting?

Instead of questioning me, you should be asking them questions.
Which professional bodies recognise the certificates they are giving out?
What qualifications have they, as a company and as individuals, got to train others?
If they are so good, why aren’t they millionaire traders instead of teachers?
How many years have they been training as a company?

Alternatively, you can always enrol with them yourself and tell us your experiences



So, where i can learn trading with Structured curriculum?

Right here on the free babypips school