AceTraderForex Jan 2, 2013: Weekly market outlook on USD/JPY

31 Dec 2013 [I]05:46GMT[/I]

Dlr’s intra-day resumption upmove to a fresh 5-
year peak of 105.41 suggests uptrend fm 2011 record
low at 75.32 wud head twd 106.23, however, o/bot
condition shud prevent strg gain this week n reckon
projected res at 107.06 shud cap upside, risk has
increased for a correction to occur in Jan 2014.

Still favour buying dlr on dips for this move n
only below 103.77 confirms temporary top is finally
in place, risks stronger retracement twd 102.50.

[B]STRATEGY :[/B] Buy at market

[B]OBJECTIVE :[/B] 106.55

[B]STOP-LOSS :[/B] 104.60

[B]RES :[/B] 105.41/106.23/107.06

[B]SUP :[/B] 104.64/103.77/102.50