AceTraderForex June 25, 2013 : Daily outlook on USD/IDR

25 Jun 2013 [I]01:36GMT[/I][/B]

Usd’s rally to a fresh multi-year top at 9955 Tue suggests LT upmove wud extend to 9975 after current consolidation is over but 9965/75 shud cap upside.

Hold long, stop as indicated n only below 9890 signals temp. top is made, risk retrace. twd 9870.

[B]STRATEGY[/B] : Long at 9920

[B]POSITION[/B] : Long at 9920

[B]OBJECTIVE[/B] : 9955

[B]STOP-LOSS[/B] : 9900

[B]RES[/B] : 9955 / 9975 / 10000

[B]SUP[/B] : 9890 / 9870 / 9815