AceTraderForex May 29, 2013 : DAILY GBP/JPY CROSS OUTLOOK

29 May 2013 06:03GMT

Althogh stg is expected to ‘gyrate’ inside early established range of 151.84-154.75, y’day’s fall fm 154.63 to 153.30 suggests downside bias remains.

Hold short for 152.95 n exit on decline as 152.70/75 wud hold. Abv 154.20 may risk 154.60/63.

STRATEGY : Short at 153.80

POSITION : Short at 153.80

OBJECTIVE : 152.95

STOP-LOSS : 154.10

RES : 154.03/154.75/155.21

SUP : 153.30/152.33/151.84

I think we’ll see a correction before you can put in practice your strategy. But I do believe that what you’re saying is possible, quite certain, actually. The only question is when?