ACM Trading Platform

Dear all,

After doing a fair amount of research it seems that ACM could be a okay broker for a first time Forex trader like me. However, ACM has its own trading platform and I don’t know if it can be customised to do automatic trading. I was able to do this with MT4 and I don’t exactly want a platform which doesn’t allow customisations… >.<

Could anyone who has traded with ACM share with me your experience of their trading platform?? Can I program my own automatic trading system using the ACM platform?

I have tried to get in contact with the ACM customer services. However, I don’t think they really understood what I meant and before I could make myself clearer, they started asking for my phone number to offer a step-to-step instruction and tried to tell me more about the advantages of trading with them (NOT what I wanted at all!). I figured I could probably get much more valuable and useful information here by asking real experienced traders from babypips. :):slight_smile:

Thanks! ^.^

Find the Strategy Builder file in this platform, I think that this is the tool that you need.

Hi LoboTrader,

Thanks for your reply. :slight_smile:

However, I couldn’t find the Strategy Builder in the platform! (Only opened a demo account with them) I checked their user manual too but found no mention of the Strategy Builder. Would you mind telling me where you found it?


I only tried the Demo, but before I invest, I have to find a platform and software that I can deal with. I liked their platform initially, but the demo went down all the time and I kept getting error messages.

If they can’t keep the Demo server up, how are they going to do when I’m trading live? Maybe they have it fixed?

Total noob here, but I am learning fast.

Kind Regards, Ken

Thanks for the info Ken. :slight_smile: I decided I wouldn’t go with ACM in the end… I got their demo platform and could not figure out a way to automate trades! :frowning: I’m still rating brokers at the moment… hopefully will come back later with some more useful information. :slight_smile:

I once tried ACM demo account and I had some execution troubles. So I decided to go with MT4 and it’s been great when it comes to programming and customizing strategies.

Hey bloodshade if you’re looking for a broker to be able to automate and program your trades, I suggest you take a look on Tradeview, they have MT4 and other alternative platforms where you can easily automate your trades either with MQL4 for MT4 or you can also get assistance from the help desk to automate your strategy. I just programmed one for swing trading and it rocks!

:open_mouth: thanks for the info Gpjoe. I did look into Tradeview too myself… it was on my list of brokers to try but then I read a heck lot of reviews on it, somehow they changed my mind. I guess the main issues I had were:

  1. There seemed to be a change of ownership for Tradeview at some point. It is now a division of Ikon Global Markets, inc. so it is not directly regulated. Also a lot of people reported huge problems with their platform when the change happened. But then again their platform seems to work ok for you! Are you runnning a life account with them? if you dont mind me asking…

  2. I’m not sure what their dealing system was like before but they now use a dealing desk system. I was more looking for a non-dealing desk broker.

then again my information may not be exact! :frowning: things change quickly these days… platform or connection issues can be solved in no time so I might try with them at some point…

thanks again for the info. :slight_smile:

oh btw, thanks to couscous too. MT4 is definitely very good for people who wish to customise things. :slight_smile:

Hi may I ask out of Curiosity that are you talking about AC Markets Swiss Forex Company or are you talking about ACM Gold the South African Based Forex company??