Adventures in candlestick trading

This new thread is set up to replace my 2nd thread - The Joy of Candlestick Trading - part 2.

[B]It is also a thread for anything to do with candlestick trading - not just my method.[/B]

My 2nd candlestick thread is due to be closed so that it can be referenced to in book form.

So…for all candlestick related material…here is the place now!!

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I’m glad to be the first one to reply here. Just by chance I checked the old thread and found about the news. I want to thank you for your good work so far, Tymen. I hope this new thread will bring some more light as the other ones did in the Forex misty jungle.
All the best to you and everybody, Tymen. :slight_smile:

has anyone seen any really good quality patterns these last few days??

I have just started using this method this week I hope its not me causing u guys bad luck:confused:

Hi guys
Patience is one of the qualities of a proffesional trader. sometimes you need to sit on your hands and wait for the right conditions. never be tempted to trade a "nearly " set up. The conditions have not been abundant for a few days now so you are not missing much.

best regards

In the past few days, I found a lot of “Almost there” patterns, but nothing that was close enough for me to actually trade it (although there were a couple times I was tempted to pop in on some of the larger trends and try to scalp a few pips. I didn’t, though, because I’m sure that would’ve ended poorly for me). Hopefully next week is a little more fruitful.

You hit the nail right on the head, [B]kockneerebel[/B]. :slight_smile: :wink:

Sometimes there is nothing to trade.
You just have to wait.

But watch out!! :eek:
Next week there might be a surplus!! :smiley:

Is there any specific reason for the above days

next regarding tymen method i need some clarification in how to calculate pips in 5 digits (1.56789)
if i want to place tp at 65 pips, how to calculate ?


Regarding the first question, I’ll leave that to the experts. As for the digits you just ignore the 5th one. In your example, the tp would be at 1.5743 (or 1.57439 if you want to be fussy :)). I hope that helps.


Nice to see this new thread getting along. First I am no expert. In my eyes, when certain days are strongly trending we find patterns hard to come by. Remember we are trading reversal patterns !


There is a specific reason why such days happen, the answer is in Murphy’s law. :slight_smile:

this time its not murphy…its me joining bringing bad luck;)

The market does not recognise luck, so don’t go beating yourself up. the market is a great teacher however and everyday will teach us a new lesson if we want to learn. nothing you or I or anyone else does will influence the market
best regards

thanks very much kockneerebel, I feel much better now :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright and muthu

thx for your kind information

with regards

Hmm, I wonder where you got that realization from :rolleyes:

From You !


let say I wanna trade bullish. now the starc and the mid bollinger are level.
the price is currently in on the upper side of the starc. but actually i’m supposed to wait until it will go down to the lower part. if it will go lower then the starc will also start going down so now the starc is not with me.
so what, wait untill it will go up again? then the price will not be on the lower line again:confused:


Hi ilan
If the starc and mid BB are not in favour it is not a trade. Nothing lost by not taking a trade but valuable experiance will be gained. Again, patience is a must for a proffesional trader, but do not confuse patience with hesitancy. When the conditions a right you must be ready to " pull the trigger "

happy trading

It does not work like this.
You must trade according to whatever pattern appears.

now the starc and the mid bollinger are level.
the price is currently in on the upper side of the starc. but actually i’m supposed to wait until it will go down to the lower part. if it will go lower then the starc will also start going down so now the starc is not with me.


There are level starc band trades.

[B]Again you are putting the cart before the horse!![/B] :smiley:

You must trade according to the pattern and the starc and mid BB will be where they will be.

If the price is one the upper starc, then you would have to trade short - and that is if the pattern on the main chart tells you to do so.