Advice on handling trading software development with FXCM

Hello everyone,

I hope this is the right section since I read some posts regarding FXCM being force out of the US market. I am located in the US.

I was working with their development team on some forex automated trading software for the FXCM platform. Shortly before it was finished they of course close shop in the US and I get moved over to

Well now I have unfinished software that only works on their platform that is shut down in the US.

When I contacted the dev team that had been awesome to work with previously, they tell me they cannot help me since I an in the US. Even though I know they have the capability to finish it or move it over to a supported platform here in the US.

My question is really this, any advice on how to handle this? I’m out of a lot of money developing this and now I’m left holding the bag. Any idea how US traders using their platform for automated trading are handling this as well?
