Affiliate Asset or Account Management

Hello guys

I have other priorities in life so general trading cant fit in my daily schedule, however I have seen the potential, the scams, the blown ups the etc

Where can I find a trustworthy platform full of available people to manage my capital or even the capital of other high net worth individuals that I know so I can earn an affiliate commission?

Thanks, lots!

At the end of the day you pay for quality so a regulated asset management company is best.

If that is out of reach as they require a minimum investment of say 150,000 then retailers have two options

1)Several robo traders are coming on to the market aimed at milenials… I have been part of the team building the algorithms for some US based ones. Just make sure they are regulated though.

2)Buy and hold an index fund or an etf of your favourite companies. This is the Warren buffet way.

3)Choose an Instagram trader at your own peril. Just beware that they rent houses through air bnb and cars for a weekend then shoot content in that weekend which they slowly release. So your not going to get that lifestyle!!!

Look forward to the community adding suggestions.

@Constadino out of curiosity what would you need from a platform to manage your own money?

I don’t know bra. What would some healthy expectations be?

proof of performance and objective reviews