After a short break away, I'm back!

After a short break away I’m back.

You may ask. Where have you been?

Well, I decided to take a short break from trading and turn my attention to long term investments. So I’ve been creating a stock portfolio based on long term growth with consistent dividends. I’ve also read a few trading books to try and help with the physiological side of trading and also take in more strategy techniques etc.

I’m now ready to jump back into trading, but as I’m now having to go into the office for the day job a bit more I won’t be able to trade as often. However, I have decided to move away from the safety of my demo accounts and start placing trades on real money accounts.

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indeed - i nearly sent a p.m. (and would have, eventually, hoping it might generate an automated email) to ask if you were ok … happy to see you back - good luck with everything, especially a real-money account!

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Very sensible financial approach. Best of luck with the live account, and beware of the emotional challenge that tests all of us. Just take it easy and manage your risk exposure.

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Welcome back and godspeed.

So you’ve returned more knowledgeable and well-informed. Good luck

Welcome back. Good luck on your live account.

Welcome back! Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences!