Again Divergence in Gold

Clasical bearish divergence just happend- closed in profit last trade and out. I am curious if i was right…

Yes, divergence alarm worked…(at least short term)…:rofl:

dude, that is regular bearish divergence, implies price might go down, u bought?

At first i scalped the upmove- the problem ( in general) is the question when is the move over or speeds down.
One method to identify that is a bearish divergence pattern.That began to happen, so two lower highs signalled “attention, divergence occurs”, and the third lower high is the confirmation. After that I closed my last long position to prevent a loss, and I was out of the market.

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Anyway I am happy to be out of gold- but I really ask myself why gold keeps on falling since today 11:30 given these horrible new Corona circumstances …:thinking:

Why do you have so many positions open? Just curious

I have no open positions, they are all closed(?)

on the left is the time of opening, and on the right in the same row time of closing, than commission and profit/loss

Call me old fashioned but I really don’t think you should be scalping gold.

It can move so quick what with concerted price suppression, and algos you could really get beat up.

Just my two pennies worth

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Thanks for the hint, I ll be cautious.