Allow me to introduce myself

Allow me to introduce myself [cit.]

Hello BP community
I’m The.TradingBMS. I’m a scientist by day, working in the hospital, but in my free time it’s all about sport (basketball n.1), outdoors and, of course…trading!!

Always loved trading, gave it my first try when in Uni and, lost some money, a lot for a Uni student. 10years later, a big injury that kept me home for 3months gave me the chance to give it a second try, more mature try. Lots of books read, online courses, joining BP etc…
Where am I know? Started a small demo account, doing swing trading with a trading plan, looking for certain set ups and trying to stay as diligent and emotionless as possible.
My hope is to make this a side hustle first, and then a living. It may not work, but at least I TRIED!

Feel free to drop a line, I’m a newbie, I want to know your stories and learn from all of you


The whole purpose of practising and experimenting on a demo account is to develop a profitable stragegy and strict process to have the confidence to go live. But beware, live trading is mostly emotional challenges. You will need a Zen mindset to protect your risk exposure.

best of luck…

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Welcome and thanks for sharing your story! Stay motivated and be patient as you go through this journey. Good luck and see you around!

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Welcome to the community! It’s great that you’re giving trading another shot with a more mature approach. Best of luck with your trading goals, whether it becomes a side hustle or a living!

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Thank you all for being so nice and welcoming! I hope to make new friends over here and share views, opinions, advices in order to help each other in our common goal: Be profitable traders!!

Swing traders! anyone out there?
I want to be friend :slight_smile:
Day traders? lets be friends!
Everyone, lets be friends!!!

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Hello forum participants.
I’m also glad to join your community. I want to find answers to my questions here.

Hey there! Welcome to the community. Feel free to ask your questions whenever you’re ready, and I’m sure you’ll find plenty of helpful traders her to assist you.

Welcome @Raoul5D! If you need any help, don’t be afraid to ask. We’re all here to help each other. Good luck!