Alpari Database Questions

Is the time in the Alpari database London time?
Are the prices quoted bid or asked?


From the Alpari FAQ

“Our trading platform server time zone is Central European Time (CET) or London time +1. All trades, pending orders and historical data will always be shown as CET or London + 1. The time you see in the Market Watch window is the time of the latest quote.”

Also all MT4 are “bid” price.

I’ve seen people get confused about this (especially my fellow Americans) so I just want to point out that London time is not the same as GMT.

Alpari is London time +1, but it’s GMT +2. :slight_smile:

london time is usually GMT except during daylight saving time, so now london time would be GMT + 1, when the clocks go back again it will again just be plain old GMT :stuck_out_tongue:

lee :slight_smile: